Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Well, I'm still not entirely sure when my first trimester ended and the second began (was it 1 or 2 weeks ago?), but today, my appetite has clearly indicated that I have made the transition.

I think I could have out-eaten a grown man who spent the entire day doing manual labor!

(You think I'm kidding.)


  1. That's great news!

  2. At least all those calories are going to good use! Alas, it doesn't work that way for me anymore...

  3. I was laughing out loud at your post to me! I know, could one couple actually have lost that many phones to water issues?!?!? Luckily Sarah lent us her phones so we're up and running:)
    I like the new colors and picture. Very spring!

  4. Love the new spring colors!! 
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your posts about coming out of the first trimester -ah hem- "issues" (of which I am still dealing with).  When you started to feel better and now that your appetite is back, it is such a good reminder to me that this truly is only a season.  I know it in my head but watching you transform through all the changes really helps me put it into perspective.  Is that crazy or what!?

  5. I love your picture,  it looks beautiful

  6. I don't doubt the amounts your eating, as to the fact I have similar days. :)
    I have an appointment this coming Tuesday with Allison in Canton from 10-12. Are you going to be home that afternoon? Would you like some company?

  7. I don't think you're kidding. I used to knock people down to get to food. Enjoy you're new-found appetite and eat healthy!

  8. Well congrats on the pregnancy. I am pregnant with #3 and i am 9 weeks along. If i dont eat i am sick. But other than that i am good with the whole morning sickness thing. Are you going to find out what you are having? do you have names picked out yet? HOpe to talk to you again soon. I am due Early Nov. God bless you and your family!
