Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's been a world of High Button Shoes, end-of-semester-crunch, bedrest, a Grand Opening, and more. Daniel was sick early in the week, which made for an even more interesting couple of days around here. Our ever-reliable child-care teams have been tied up with the musical or with sick kids of their own since the weekend. All this combined, we've had rather unpredictable days!

And I must say that it's made me step back and appreciate, once again, all the help we've received over the last several weeks. Even our "scrambling" involves many outside hands chipping in whenever available. I honestly don't know what we would do were it not for nearby family and a wonderful church body. Seriously-- what do most moms in my shoes do right about now? I can't imagine.

Daniel is just now off to attend a campus prayer meeting he hadn't anticipated needing to lead. The poor man hasn't had a day off in weeks (though even if he had, his Sabbaths of late have been full of doing all my jobs) and was hoping to get some rest today. Oh well. The Lord knows our frailties and needs; He provides for us both in the simple and in the tiring seasons.

Mom has taken my 3 bundles of energy on until Daniel returns-- in-between last-minute playbill revisions and tonight's musical dress rehearsal. How she does all this and is still laughing is beyond me.

All the while, I sit and watch. It's been an interesting vantage point. Not a particularly enjoyable one, but an interesting one. I think it's good for me, Miss Organized-With-a-Million-Plans, to see that spontaneity and flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants doesn't mean sure disaster. Sometimes you just have to hang on and see where you end up. The truth of the matter is, we've been ending up where we need to be without my help and plans. (Guess I'm not as irreplaceable as I'd thought!)

P.S. I have to share links to two things I watched/read recently. The first is Melinda's most recent AI performance (I haven't been watching the show, but I faithfully look Melinda up on Wednesday mornings on youtube!), after which I was very pleasantly surprised to not see her shredded to bits by the judges. The other is some findings of what seems to be a decent '08 candidate. Check them out when you have a minute.


  1. I think it's time for some new pictures of the kids:)

  2. Melinda's performance was wonderful-real wonderful and amazing. I wasn't surprised that she wasn't shredded by the judges. I think i thought one of them might bring up something, but the thing is she is so real, and humble and not religious. i love her. she stays true to who she is. i think this is why so many people like her. I also pray for her. I pray for favor and peace, but mostly favor. I also pray for her behind the scenes that she stays strong in Him. I really like that candidate. It would be nice if he became a frontrunner. I'm hoping the gentleman's commentary at the end will be proven wrong and that we will esteem God Almighty higher than state politics.
    I'm glad your mom took the kids. I was thinking about you and them today. Are you still nursing Jackson? Just wondered...   

  3. He's not doing "your" jobs, because you two are one!  He's taking up where he needs to because he loves you all so much and wants to.  Don't feel guilty about it! (And don't make him feel like he's doing it wrong!)  If he was disabled and you had to work, you wouldn't be doing "his" job either, you'd just be doing the right thing.  I love you!!!!!   
