Sunday, April 15, 2007

After coming home from church, I ate lunch and then took a nap. I needed it, since sleep was scarce last night.

Upon waking, I decided that some of the oreos she brought over the other night sounded yummy. My food preferences this pregnancy definitely have been leaning heavily toward salty/spicy foods and deserts haven't sounded quite as good as they normally do, but this afternoon I thought some chocolate might really hit the spot.

I went into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of milk (the health benefit by which I justify cookies is that when eating them I actually drink milk) and help myself to some of those increasingly-appealing oreos.

But the package that had been sitting on the counter since Friday night was nowhere to be found.

That's strange. There were a lot, I thought to myself.

"Hey, Daniel, where did you put the cookies?"

A sheepish response from the other room told me that my dear husband had consumed them all. Every single one.

I had to stop and remind myself who's pregnant. 'Cause it sure sounds like he's the one with the excessive cravings if you ask me!


  1. That is too funny! Maybe he's getting Couvade Syndrome.  ;)

  2. Your husband who dearly loves you was only trying to spare you the guilt you would have had to face had you lost control and eaten the entire package yourself.

  3. haha! That is so funny. If Daniel is anything like my husband, though, he can consume just about anything with no effects on his health whatsoever...

  4. oreos are ever so yummy! esp w/milk and sometimes w/peanut butter. when i was preg w/kaelyn i always wanted apples and pb. she loved em too. after i wouild eat them she would get active. it was neat. and the other night i told her i was having that and she smiled and started talking to me. it was pretty neat-as if she knew...b/c when she got active i would respond and say so you liked that, huh, baby? :)  so, have you been successful in finding apples and pb to satisfy your craving? the galas are really good. i haven't had fujis in a long time, but those are  good too. sorry you missed out on the oreos.

  5. That's really funny.  He was just trying to regain the calories that he has lost from the nights that he cooked!  (you know, the NOT so yummy nights!)
    Are you going to be able to go to presbetry at 57 tomorrow?  I will be home if you need someone to watch the kids so that you can go.  Just let me know!

  6. Mmmmm... is it bad that I'm craving Oreos now? :)

  7. Sorry I can't relate.  I think Oreo's are pretty disgusting.  Although I did try the vanilla kind but I can't really call those Oreo's, just doesn't seem right. 
    Now, if you had said White chocolate Macademia cookie...that's a different story.  I completely understand!
