Monday, April 9, 2007

This is for all those who might not believe me when I say I'm popping out WAAAYYY faster this time around. A picture to very clearly prove my point:

15 weeks with #4 and I've got the belly that clearly says: "Been there, done that."
(Please don't cry too much for my stomach muscles-- even I've gotten over it. )
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Edit: Just wanted to note that the brown shirt and blurry lines definitely minimize my belly (I guess I should have enlisted Daniel's help in order to better prove my point). And on that note, sorry about the big flash where my face should be; when I tried to take the picture without the flash, I couldn't hold my hand still enough and it turned out even worse!


  1. I can hardly see anything! I think with number 3 I looked like that at 7 weeks! NO really considering I was pregnant again when Maygen was only 5 months so my stomach muscles never completely went back. Also by that week I was way into maternity clothes! You know me and my forward pointing uterus. LOL!

  2. LOL!  I look like that right now at 9 weeks!!  But then again, you did start out smaller than I did...  Yup, I can see it    (Part of my problem is that I had abdominal surgery that cut every single one of my muscles right in half -no way to rebuild those!  That is mostly why I pop out so quick...) 
    Have you been able to go shopping for new maternity clothes yet?  eBay has a ton but I am one that has to try everything on...  Trip to Watertown is planned as soon as I am feeling better!

  3. I'll be missing Debbie's shower. When is your ultrasound scheduled for? I'll be praying!

  4. Brietta!  How exciting.  I can't wait to congratulate you in person.  Hope the “morning” sickness isn’t too bad.  Eric and I love you and your family dearly and miss your kids like crazy!  Hope to see you soon!  ~Jen

  5. Brietta, you look so good! I absolutely love seeing pregnant bellies-they're so beautiful.  :)

  6. If that's your version of "proving" you are "really" showing.... well.... you look pretty good to me!!!

  7. in your defense... i remember when you were this far along with Jackson and I was thinking... really? that little belly is definately popping a little sooner, although you still look fantastic and slim as always. :)

  8. my appointment is from 10-12 and then i'll stop and grab some lunch and head to your house. so... 12:30-1ish? let me know if its a bad time, otherwise i'll see you tomorrow!

  9. um, what belly? you still look tiny to me. and thanks for all the Easter pics. they're great! you are always beautifully radiant! the kids are so cute-and i don't mind Gabriel "being 4" it adds character and fun to the pics. love the red hair on Jackson! you  have a beautiful family! :)

  10. I love the picture and the flash.  It reminds me of "Touched by and Angel."  Touched by an Angel reminds me of David Hawkes.  We are praying for that little baby and for your visit with the doctor this week.

  11. Brietta,
    Your belly looks smaller than my belly and I'm not even sure if I am pregnant. Though I have not gotten my "friend" in over 2 months now, who knows. Those stupid tests are horrible. Anyway pray that we find out soon. Hope your doing well though.

