Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Afternoon

Scheduled Appointment Time:
Actual Appointment Time: 12:55pm
Phone Call to Hospital to set up Ultrasound: 1:20pm
Scheduled Ultrasound Time: 2:30pm
Amount of time in which I needed to Drink 30oz of Fluid: 10 minutes

So I missed lunch (I wasn't hungry before I left my house at 11:40am and figured I'd be home around 1pm to eat anyway). By the time I was done with my doctor, I was famished and the hunger pains were starting to make me ill. To make matters worse, 30oz of water in 10 minutes would probably make a non-pregnant woman sick, so you can imagine how I was feeling as I left the building. The mental conversation I had all the way to hospital went something like this: You cannot throw up. You need this fluid in your bladder for the ultrasound to work. You cannot throw up. You cannot throw up... It worked!

Mom's Weight: 121lbs (+9lbs already this pregnancy-- very typical for me!)
Mom's Blood Pressure: 96/56 (much better than last month's 82/40)
Ultrasound Measurement of Baby: 15 weeks, 5 days
Baby's Heart Rate: 152bpm (all my babies heart rates have been 141+, so I still say boy)
Baby's Activity: more than I've seen via ultrasound ever (maybe explains why I'm already feeling him/her?)

    Size of Hematoma:
I just got off the phone with my doctor. Unfortunately, the hematoma (placental bleed) is bigger than last month's by about 3cm, bringing me to a grand total of 11cm (once again, bigger than the baby).   The good news is that the baby is tolerating it exceptionally! More good news is that because I haven't been bleeding and the baby is doing so well, my doctor feels that letting me resume some more normal activities would be fine (i.e. taking long walks, light housework, etc.). To quote her: "Lifting heavy groceries, big loads of laundry, or your children should be avoided, except in emergency, and-- whatever you do!-- do not resume your daily sit-ups!!"
    My next appointment with Dr. McCloy is on May 15th (I will be 20w, 4d according to all three of my ultrasounds). She'll then send me for another ultrasound so that we can check on the baby, since the concern is that the bleed could at any point begin hindering his/her growth. From what I understand, starting at around 20 weeks gestation this type of hemorrhage is no longer called a subchorionic bleed and is referred to as placenta abruptio. Because of the increased demand from the baby on the placenta by that point in pregnancy, any placental compromises carry a much more significant chance of causing IUGR and/or pre-term labor.
    In the end, this is what I know: in the last 10 minutes, I do feel as though we just took a major leap in the wrong direction. However, I am also filled with the knowledge that my God-- the God who is amazing and powerful enough to create this precious life in the first place!-- is more than able to keep this baby healthy and safe in the midst of any medical reports or negative circumstances. I am reminded that my hope is not in this pregnancy reaching a certain number of weeks or in hemorrhages no longer existing; my hope is in God. And, most of all, I am learning that to know Him is to trust Him, no matter what. He's that wonderful.

Other Facts:

Outdoor Temperature as of 1:30pm: 43* (F)
Precipitation: misty rain (very appropriate for spring, I think)
# of Red Lights Encountered Today: 9
Craving of the Day: grilled pepper quesadilla
# of Tulips Sprouting Along My Porch: approximately 84


  1. I cannot imagine trying to drink that much water in a similar time frame. I would definitely be having a simlar conversation with myself.
    I made grilled pepper roll-ups for lunch, I would have loved to turn one into a quesadilla for you.
    My tulips are being decimated by the bunny population that is out of control in our neighborhood. It makes me very sad to have waited so long for them to come up only to have such devastation occur. The bunnies may be cute but they are quite the nuisance and I would not be opposed to their early demise if I could figure out a way to make it happen.

  2. let's hope the "one accident and two successes" was an account of your daughter's trips to the bathroom, and not yours! (That would fall under the category of way too much information...)

    thanks for the detailed update. It helps me know how to continue to pray for you.

  3. The good news is that the baby is growing and seems to be thriving well! I'm glad that you have such a positive outlook. Our hope is in God. And God is good all the time. I will continue to pray for you and this baby. I remember feeling with Maygen that it would be "ok", I just wasnt' sure what "ok" looked like. She did have placental problems causing IUGR, pre-term labor and a placental abruption but she is and was "ok". It wasn't text book but my baby girl is here b/c God is stronger and bigger than our placenta! God is our rock, our safe refuge. Hold onto that. I know your faith is so strong and the enemy wants nothing more than to steal that from you. Seek him! I love you and as always will be praying for your family.

  4. So glad the heartbeat is strong and healthy... showing a strong and healthy baby Paladin. So sorry to hear the news on the bleed isn't quite what you wanted to hear today... but I know that this baby is in God's hand. Just the fact that you're still feeling so much movement and growth is such an example of His amazing love and handiwork despite complicated situations. What a loving God we serve! You're in my prayers.

  5. Just thinking of drinking all that water at once turns my stomach -ugh!! 
    This comment: "I am reminded that my hope is not in this pregnancy reaching a certain number of weeks or in hemorrhages no longer existing; my hope is in God. And, most of all, I am learning that to know Him is to trust Him, no matter what. He's that wonderful."
    Mirrors my own heart and all that we have gone through and are going through.  You put it so much better than I have been able to lately! 

  6. I will keep you in my prayers.  hold on to the love that you have for God he will get you through this, I know he has help Michelle and Tim.    take care and don't do to much

  7. Wow- you are amazingly upbeat and confident! Keep up the good work-- you're in my thoughts.

  8. Amen to everything Michelle said...
    and yeah-
    it's definitely coincidence that I bought everything today to make grilled pepper quesadillas for dinner tomorrow. I would offer to bring you some, but Queen Molly is having her party and has now decided she wants friends over, dinner, cake, ice cream, games, the works! So, I'll be a little busy throwing THAT together last minute. What a fresh girl she is. And the worst part is- she totally knows she has Dad wrapped, so he says YES and I do all the work. Who am I kidding? I love it!
    P.S. Seriously praying for a miracle for you guys. We know what it's like to see God take a "what seems like hopeless" situation and make it just amazing! All for His glory and the testimony it is to the Dr.'s and nurses!

  9. I have come to hate the letters IUGR.  I will continue to pray for you and the baby.  You have been on my mind and in my prayers all day.  You have a wonderful outlook and I truly believe that prayer, our trust in the Lord and positive thinking are the things that get us through it all.  You have good news active baby.  Active baby=strong baby.

  10. I'm glad to hear that your precious little one is thriving well, despite the circumstances. It is so amazing how God just holds and nurtures each little life in His mighty hands. Faith and prayers certainly go a long way!
    Now, even though you are allowed to do a little bit more, please (please!) take it easy! Don't worry too much about hairy toilets! Lol.

  11. I remember being so thankful that all the later ultrasounds didn't require me to drink a lot of water.  Maybe by the next one, you won't have to!  Water on an empty stomach is disgusting.
    Sorry to hear all your reports weren't good.  When I hear both good and "bad" news at the same time, it's hard for me to concentrate on the good but I'm glad to see that you are.  Prayers will continue!

  12. Sorry to hear you didn't get all good news, but it is good to know that it is building your faith and trust in God. Also sorry to hear you had to drink so much water....I have always hated that. Luckily, many of the doctors/hospitals around here have newer ultrasound machines that don't require any water to be drunk, even for the earliest ultrasounds...I like that much better.

  13. I was so excited when Daniel told me that inspite of the increased bleed, the baby is growing at an appropriate rate.  We will continue to pray for a miracle this month! 
    I talked to Daniel about the possibility of us bringing dinner over tonight or tomorrow, then staying to hang out for a while.  Let me know if this sounds like something that you would like to do.  Also, if you do want to, I have no idea what you have been eating a lot of or what you want, (quesadillas maybe?) so do let me know!

  14. How are you today? Just checking in. :)

  15. I so much appreciated talking with Daniel and getting the update on you and the baby.  Your conclusions are accurate and sound, your hope is in God.  Keep focusing on the truth and reject fear.  I wish I could be there to help in some way.  It will be good to see all of you in May.  I am continuing to pray.
