Saturday, April 7, 2007

rit·u·al (rĭch'ū-əl)
a. A detailed method of procedure faithfully or regularly followed: My household chores have become a morning ritual.

Rituals in and of themselves don't bring life, that's for sure. But they can be a wonderful way to celebrate life, I have found.

One Easter ritual for me is the ironing of special clothes the day before Easter Sunday. None of the items have to be new (although with my children they almost always are since at least the older two are in need of new summer dress clothes each year and I figure I might as well have those clothes by Easter Sunday if at all possible), but each is ever chosen with care. Honestly, though, are clothes what Easter is about? Of course not. But in the ironing and careful picking out of ruffled socks and leather belts, my heart is reminded of how special tomorrow is.

Another Easter ritual for me is the story of the cross and the resurrection being shared in simple yet true words that young children can understand. This has always been a part of my life, and I am appreciating the newness of the Gospel that reaches my heart as I slowly ponder how I might communicate such a marvelous event to a toddler and a pre-schooler. Honestly, though, is Easter about simplified terms and unrealistic illustrations in a picture Bible? Of course not. But in the carefully chosen words and the pictures of the cross, my heart is reminded of how available the Gospel is to whosoever will believe.

A third Easter ritual is cheesebraid for breakfast eaten on special dishes-- not the sort a mom would let her toddler use on just any occasion. Still another Easter ritual is a hardcover book wrapped and marking each child's place at that table. Is cheesebraid or china or books what Easter is about? Of course not. But in the once-a-year food, "company" dishes, and gift-giving, my heart is reminded afresh of the gift so great no word can describe its magnitude: salvation.

Each of these rituals have been simplified and modified this year because I am not tackling much that can't be done from a semi-reclined position these days. And yet Daniel and I have tried to maintain some of the things that mark this day from others, especially because we know our young children need tangible reminders that tomorrow is the day we have the celebration of all celebrations.

Rituals don't give life, but they are a powerful tool for worship and for teaching worship.

And I love to worship Jesus.


  1. Enjoy this Easter with your husband and little ones and I pray that this year there was cheese braid and wrapped books and the resurrection story for the little ones just as you planned.  Love to All  Did the little ones get their cards?  Gram aka Great Gram

  2. Beautiful reminder of beautiful reminders. Beautiful salvation and Lord.

  3. Happy, joyful Easter!!!
