Friday, April 13, 2007

Gabriel had his 4-year check-up today (I had to cancel last month's original appointment). There are always funny stories that come of a child's time at the doctor's office.

This morning when our favorite RNP in the world asked him how he was feeling, he responded by telling her-- in all seriousness, I might add-- that he was feeling good except for where his hand got cut off by Darth Vader. Fortunately, our RNP has 3 little boys herself and took it all in stride, to the point of going along with this ridiculous conversation even when Gabriel began telling her that Jackson is Yoda. "You know, he's Yoda because he's small." (Like there can be a logical explanation for any of this?!)

He really does live entire days pretending that he's Luke Skywalker.

At any rate, our growing boy (overall smack-dab in the 50th percentile) is now 38lbs and 40" tall. While technically a bit too light still to switch from a toddler carseat to a booster seat, the RNP said that his height is a bigger issue than his weight. And at 40" tall he's cleared to make the transition!

P.S. When I told my doctor yesterday how I've had a Doppler in my house but have been too afraid to use it, she laughed at me. And then she told me that since I'm now far enough along to easily get a heartbeat, I should take advantage of such technology-- especially until the time when I'm feeling sure movements fairly frequently throughout each day. So I tried it tonight. And I have to say that it was pretty cool to hear the baby in my very own living room! A strong 154bpm.

Now I'm just scared to use it because it's so expensive to replace if I break it!


  1. I literally laughed out loud at Gabriel's response to the doctor. What a kid.
    I have to admit I'm jealous you get the use of the doppler so convienently. As a first time mom, i'm having the occasional bouts of "why isn't the baby moving?" "is my belly getting smaller?" panic moments. Use it up while you can! How fun it must be to share it with your family.
    Pictures of the house are promised. You know me... I want things to look close to perfect before photos are posted. :) And I'm sure we'll be posting about the ultrasound as soon as possible. I promise to get you the news! Have a good weekend!

  2. hahahahahaha!....

    he's soooo funny because he is SO SERIOUS!

    i love that handsome little jedi!

  3. oh my word!!! that is hilarious!!! i am still lol!!! kids really DO say the darndest things! i just wrote abou that the other day-brief, but nonetheless... and Jackson is Yoda-how creative and hilarious is that??? How many times has he seen this movie? and which one or has he seen all 6? i figured he'd be too little, but what do i know? i thought it was funny when you said he didn't like any colors having to do with the dark side in star wars. but this one tops that. i am glad your RNP has 3 boys and could go along w/it. oh that is so funny!!!   

  4. That is so funny! I read Lucas the part about Gabriel's story to the RNP and he just shook his head and laughed. I can't wait until Wes is old enough to start telling silly stories likes that!

  5. ohmygoodness.  i miss that silly boy.

  6. I love hearing stories about the kids. You should post more of the funny conversations that happen when you spend every day with little kids! Too cute!


  7. Matthew would live as Worf , or Riker for the longest time, from "Star Trek : The Next Generation.  And we had to call him that.  He dressed up as Worf one time and the zoo had a Star Trek Day and he won a prize for his costume.  All the "trekkies" were there, but he was the only one that showed I think?  Children wise... He got a shirt and a mug.  When Alan was 3 we took them both to the movie theater to see the 3 old Star Wars movies when they were re-released, and Alan would go to bed and we'd hear Darth Vaders song....he would put himself to sleep singing it!    
    From what you say about Gabriel he sounds a lot like Matthew.

  8. That is so funny.  Make sure you write all of it down so that you have stories to tell his kids when they are four. 

  9. What a kid!  And what a RNP!  I suere hope his arm is feeling better soon.  I'm looking forward to seeing the little Jedi and Yoda soon.  Does Bronwyn also go by Princess Leia?

  10. Oh, I can't wait until the day I can see Avery play Star Wars with Gabriel! When I popped in briefly to your mom's back in the fall, he immediately started a lightsaber duel with Merrick. When your mom asked if he was pretending to be Darth Vader he frowned at her, explaining that he didn't have a red lightsaber, he had a green one. Merrick looked at her, disappointed, and shook his head, like to say "Mom, you really ought to know better!" The funniest part of the whole thing- they didn't actually have anything in their hands- it was all completely made up. She and I just looked at one another like, "Well, duh!"
    One time last year in toddler Bible class Avery gave Mrs. Fulton a big hunk of green playdough and asked her to make Yoda. She smiled, took the playdough, and began shaping and molding it into the most perfect Yoda ever. All the while she hummed the Star Wars theme song. Avery's eyes were bigger than saucers (he sat in awe) and since that day she has definitely ranked up there with the actual Jedi's themselves.
    I agree with Carina, you should post more about the kids and the cute things they say...

  11. your posts encourage me so much. thanks.
