Friday, April 6, 2007

Last night we shared yet another meal I didn't make (though Daniel declared it wonderful and very like my much-loved recipe, which I then told him is a recipe I received from the cook who delivered last night's meal), but this time we had a college student join us for dinner. With my recent hiatus from-- um-- life, we haven't had many guests around our table of late. These days I am especially appreciating those who will skirt the toys on the floor, ignore the dust on the end tables, and leave the light dim in the bathroom to keep me company every now and then!

Tonight, we hope to make it out for the Good Friday service at church. I've never been to a Good Friday service. Liturgical services always seem new and fresh to me, which I suppose is backwards from many of my parents' generation. I'm glad I can enjoy both the traditional and non. It makes me feel blessed to have grown up in such a way that neither is spoiled for me.

However, I'm not sure we'll make it. An "emergency" trip to Potsdam sent Daniel out the door a mere 10 minutes ago, Jackson in hand. The other two children are under strict instructions to behave for mom (boy, do they ever know that I am limited these days and I must say that they are prone to taking advantage of this!) until his return. I hope it isn't too long, because we haven't even eaten yet.

But if it is, I'm already telling myself not to set my heart on what we may or may not do this evening. Another Good Friday service will undoubtedly present itself at some point in my lifetime; and even if it doesn't, there are bigger fish to fry.

There are also many things to be thankful for.

Many, many wondrous things. Many, many things beyond my comprehension. Many, many undeserved things. Many, many miracles.

Greatest of which is that Jesus not only died for me, but that He also rose again that I-- once a desperately lost sinner-- might live forever with Him one day.

Now how amazing is that?!


  1. Wow!  We must be on at the same time!  Did you make it to the service?  We were planning to go until Ryan found someone else to do lighting.  He was tired and didn't really want to go and I wasn't looking forward to simply sittiing in the hall all evening with two toddlers... anyway Aidan's clothes are kind of new to him, but they are hand me downs from his Uncles.  (dressy clothing from church is VERY abundent in my in-laws clothing bins)  The only thing that seems to be eluding me is one of the hand me down shoes that I was planning on Aidan wearing.  I have been tearing apart this appartment looking for it.  If I don't find it soon, he just may be in a nice vest/pants outfit with sneakers!  I can't bring myself to purchase another pair of dress shoes when there is a perfectly good one SOMEWHERE in this apartment!  (not to mention that he will hardly wear dress shoes again before he's out of this size!) 

  2. Actually it's funny b/c I just guessed that Em's brother was having a girl and she was! I think my record is still pretty good although I have been wrong a few times. LOL:) You know I'm not sure I have a definite feeling but right now I'm going to say girl. What is your guess?

  3. I had a dream last night that you had a boy!
    Of course, I also was at your parents house showing them my 2 new dollar-store Christmas tableclothes I had just purchased, but HEY-

  4. I will say from experience the more ultraounds you have the harder it is not to find out. I mean with Maygen we had around a million and then with Ada we had one every 4 weeks so....
    I always liked the same sibling back to back thing also. I think we've fixed that around here! Although, if number 4 is a boy, who knows:) I know your ultrasound is quickly approaching. I'm continuing to pray for the baby and you. Please call, email or post as soon as you can!
    Oh-Happy Easter!
