Friday, April 27, 2007

*****6:00pm Update: my doctor just called to tell me that on Monday morning she is going to be in contact with OBs from
this hospital. She said 10 out of 10 times in her experience (and at least 9 out of 10 times overall, she's guessing), late subchorionic bleeds like mine have completely or significantly resolved by 18 weeks-- not gotten worse-- and she is at a bit of a loss regarding how to proceed from here. Whether I end up going to Burlington for a detailed ultrasound and consultation or whether they simply give her advice and input will be determined Monday.*****

I had another ultrasound today, following the 2nd night of bleeding (not consecutive) since my last ultrasound 2 weeks ago. The results were mixed, as is becoming increasingly common.

First things first, the great news is that the baby remains stable. They didn't actually do a measurement for size, so I'm not sure how s/he's doing with staying on track developmentally, but the really important things like his/her heart rate and the blood flow through the umbilical cord all look good.

The bad news is that the original bleed has gotten bigger (again). It is now 13x9x4cm, which is 2cm longer and 2cm wider than it was 2 weeks ago.

The worse news is that I now have a second bleed, measuring 10.5x6.5x4.5cm in size.

The hard-for-me news is that I really can't do anything to make things right.

The reassuring news is that God is on the throne.

We continue to pray and count the weeks (though I try to keep myself from wishing days away as best as I can). I can't say I'm not deeply afraid at times-- that would be a lie. But I know God is good and I know I can trust Him.

My meditation of late has been Lamentations 3:22-26.

Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!" The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly For the salvation of the Lord.


  1. Do you think you'll need to go to Syracuse for an early delivery?

    *praying for you*

  2. We are praying -fervently. 
    What is the plan from here?  I am assuming you are on full bed rest now/still?  Will they follow things with more ultrasounds or wait until...? 

  3. I'm SO GLAD you posted an update. Sorry I didn't get to call today to check on you.

    I love you so much, and I love this baby so much, too.

  4. I can't even imagine the mental anguish you must be fighting off daily-- I know I would be. I am praying that God will bring your baby safely to delivery, and keep you both in the palm of His hand.

  5. Surely waiting until Monday will not be easy. I'm really sorry your in this position. Do know however, that you are covered in prayer.


  6. This has been so heavy on my heart since I talked to Daniel.  I don't know if it's pregnancy hormones or what, but tears keep welling up in my eyes when I look at this situation through the eyes of my medical training.  BUT we serve a God of wisdom and mercy and He is the one in whom we will hope.  I can only imagine the battle that you must fight daily to continue to hope and trust.  We will continue to stand with you.  I look forward to holding your little one in my arms!  

  7. Praying here too.

  8.  " I'm not sure how s/he's doing with staying on track developmentally..."
    It would be "he".

  9. Continuing to pray for all of you and for this much loved baby.
