Thursday, July 20, 2006

Two kids have fevers.

I have a headache.

And yet we're all happier than we've been in weeks.

Daniel's home!


  1. Yea! (For family--not for fevers.) glad you all are together.

  2. I'm so glad he's back home for ya'll.

  3. Oh, and from my experience with husband going away and then coming home, shortly thereafter I'm pregnant again!  *cough*

  4. I was going to say "Yea" as well!  The sign was too cute.  Ally is, as of Tuesday, 11 lbs 2oz.  Everyone involved is really happy with her progress.  She is in the 10% for weight, non-corrected age, 25% for height and 50% for head!!  Her little body needs to catch up with her head!!  She got that from her father.
      We went in Tuesday because I was concerned with her trachea retractions and since they hadn't seen them before, they wanted to check her out and make sure her oxygen levels were ok.  And of course they were.  So we just wait for it to correct itself.  They told us to put a pillow under her crib mattress so she isn't so flat on her back.  Well, I did that and found her at the bottom of the crib the next morning!  I guess the incline was a bit much since she's starting to move now!
    Have a great time this weekend!  Talk to you soon!

  5. I'm so glad he is home safe and you're all together again. You're a trooper:)
    The sign is so cute!

  6. Brietta,
    So glad Daniel is home.  Hopefully the fevers will go soon.  God is good!  You got all of the "tall tales" correct!  You know me well.
    Dad was very blessed on his birthday to receive a telephone messae from Daniel.  Unfortunately, we were taking Beth back to IUP and were not home for him to actually talk to Daniel, but he greatly enjoyed hearing from him and there is no need to feel badly.  We are impressed with how well you did through all that was going on during those weeks.  We certainly did not expect an additional birthday acknowlegdement as well.  Enjoy having your family back together. 

  7. So happy together!
    Yeay for being together again!
