Monday, July 17, 2006

There we were--us four moms--standing and sitting and bouncing little ones, with eleven children under the age of four between us. Oh, and there was one five-year-old, as well. And one of the moms is six months pregnant. I know it sounds rather unbelievable, but really it's just that she was there, minus her two oldest kids... and that makes it entirely believable.

At one point, three three-year-old boys were deeply involved in filling a bucket of water to pour down their "stream" made of sand. The five-year-old girl had a fast follower in the three-year-old girl. My baby slept in a playpen, shaded by some well placed trees only feet away from the sand. Another baby needed to sleep, and almost did sleep except for his older sister's needs at an untimely moment. One little guy--a year old--crawled around and seemed rather intruiged by people smaller than he. And then there were the four wanderers: the almost-two-years-old crew. Three of them will have a birthday on August 10th; Bronwyn follows two days later.

It was one of the most fun days I've had in a long time. Let's do it again!

Edit: here are some pictures from yesterday (after church) and today's outing.

Thirsty after a service in an un-air-conditioned building!


Ready for a nap

The happiest little guy!

Gabriel on the beach

Past naptime!

In the shade on the water--the best place for a nap in all of the US!

Sand toys are the best!

Splashing with Aunt Abby (we'd traded kids for the moment)


  1. Fun pictures! I was hoping to get a longer visit or maybe even a beach outing with you and your cute kids this week to keep you company in the "long stretch"... but I'm babysitting all week long. Bummer. Raincheck for sure!

  2. If it's any consolation, Cassie had her paci 'til she was 2 1/2.  I see a lot of "you" in G and B, but they both look so different from each other.  And every time I look at Jack all I see is Danica/Grampa Sinclair.
    I like the couch!

  3. After this straightner straights it's last hair, I will make sure that the next one has an automatic shut-off!  As long as I can know sometime next week who all is coming and how many beds we will need, that will be plenty of time.  Don't feel like you need to rush, especially with Daniel coming home that same day!  Stacie said that she didn't think you were going to the wedding?  It will be a nice surprise for Joe.  Have fun.  We have a wedding this weekend, will be in Florida next weekend and then the following Friday we have a wedding in Columbus and Saturday have another wedding in Baltimore.  Talk about increase in the gift envelope!  And then his sister's wedding is Labor Day weekend, which we're both in!  $$Cha-Ching$$  Oh well...such is life!
    Talk to you soon!
