Psalm 9:1--I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.
wonder (wndr) n.
1. a. One that arouses awe, astonishment, surprise, or admiration; a marvel
b. The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring, astounding, or marvelous
2. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle.
Today I have searched to find the wonders of You, so that I might be quick to tell others. Sometimes my idea of wonder is different than Yours, but today I sought to see as You see. And I found this:
1. My baby's cry is satisfied by me. This is a wonder.
2. I can talk to You all day long. This is a wonder.
3. Rainy skies become endless blue. This is a wonder.
4. I receive affection from flesh of my flesh. This is a wonder.
5. My husband is feeling empowered by me. This is a wonder.
6. We always have enough food to share with another. This is a wonder.
7. My son knows to thank God as Provider. This is a wonder.
8. I am loved. This is a wonder.
9. After the heat comes the cool of the day. This is a wonder.
10. I am a friend of God. This is a wonder.
I marvel right along side you...