Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Anonymous & Opening

I just have to note that comments can now be made on xanga sites anonymously. I think this is great, since now non-xanga'ers (xangans???) can comment on my site without having to sign up or do annoying word verifications every single time they comment (which has been my reason for not wanting to move from xanga to another spot like, well, blogspot; I can't see how going through that process is any more convenient than simply signing up for commenting privileges).

Unfortunately for my brother and brother-in-law, this new development basically means I will become the permanent xanga resident they have tried to convince me not to be. Xanga's just too easy for me. You see, I'd rather spend my time writing than fooling around with html and layouts. I always wanted to be a communications major, not a designer or programmer.

Sorry guys!

<Edit>I've been duly corrected about the word verification thing. Ugh. What those spammers make the rest of us legitimate folks go through!</Edit>

* * * * *

Here's a photo from the ribbon-cutting at the Grand Opening of 57 Market last Wednesday afternoon. Yay!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

<Edit #2>57 Market is the new CFC campus ministry downtown, storefront location. It's within walking distance of 2 of the 4 area universities and is a pretty nice spot, if I do say so. Rent, utilities, and furnishings are all paid for with donations. We have a 3-year lease with an extension for 2 more years at the end of that, should we choose to stay. It's pretty exciting, I think!</Edit>


  1. hate to burst your bubble, but you do have to do a word code when you comment anonymously (to prevent spam, they say.) and cute pic, by the way!!

  2. I actually don't like the blogger sign up thing either. You're one of my only commenters! (but partially because some of my friends just don't feel like setting up a blogger account) Anyhow, what is 57 market?

  3. I didn't know that CFC was using a spot downtown for campus ministry. How interesting! :)

  4. Actually, on Blogspot, you can set it up so that people can leave comments without either the word verifications or making an account. :) Xanga is easier, though.

  5. Congrats! You look great! Very glowing:)

  6. Hi Brietta, this is Kathy Owens, Heather Dowling's friend....I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you and your baby and your family!!!

  7. Hey there!

    Thats awsome the whole store front location, where did you find those scissors? Reason I ask is that the corp. general manager at rita's was trying to find a pair but couldn't (I haven't done any research, thought i'd just ask) Hope you are doin'really well!


  8. Brietta,
    First of all I want to say that I am praying for you! I'm always asking everyone else how you are doing and only because I never see you. Your husband at the bbq on Sun. mentioned your xanga site. I had no idea what he was talking about. I am not familiar with blogs and such. I was able to find it on line though. I really didn't know the depth of your situation and complications, but am glad that I could read about it so that now Gabe and I can keep you in our prayers and thoughts and pray for specifics. I admire you so much. Here you are this young girl, basically my age, with 3 kids running around and another on the way!! I don't know how you do it. Your journal and site are very nice, they made me cry. I hope and pray your baby makes it. You seem very strong in mind and faith, that right there is your best defense to all of this. How reassuring it is to know that God is ultimately in control and not any doctor or as hard as it is, you. I am sure it must be extremely hard feeling helpless at the same time. That is when it means the most to stand back in awe of God and what he is doing. You get to see first hand right now the marvels of Him. Sounds like He is just holding your little one in the palm of his hand inside of you. I guess he does that for all our babies, but for yours even more so!!
    I am glad I can keep up to date with how you are doing- coming straight from you!! Gabe and I leave for CT on Friday. Just a summer internship. We will be back next fall. Just wanted to say hi and that I am thinking of you and your little family.
    Renee Ockrin

  9. so what kind of stuff are you planning to do with the new ministry place? i would love to know what it will involve and if there is anything i can do to help! me and my boyfriend are really eager to do ministry this summer, mainly here in ogdensburg, but i saw that you are having events and what not, so i don't know if that includes music, but our band is also looking for chances to minister. just keep me posted and let me know what its all about!! :D
