Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bath Time

I think the era of all the kids in the bath at the same time is coming to a close.

This is not because they don't all three fit at the same time. They do (and quite well, I might add-- so long as nobody gets greedy and decides to lay down).

The problem is the amount of water that ends up outside the bathtub by the time three rambunctious children under age 5 have been thoroughly cleaned. You might not believe me, but following baths tonight when I used the bathroom, about 1/2" of my hem got soaked. I felt as though I was wading through a small stream just to get to the toilet. And this extreme soaking of the bathroom is accomplished even with strict enforcement of our "No splashing" rule, which is right up there with rules like "Don't tell Mom you hate her" and "Stay out of the road."

I know, I know... water on the floor isn't a particularly terrible problem or even one of the worst problems encountered in parenting. In fact, bath time usually leads to an impromptu mopping of the floor (when there's that much water, one might as well add some Mr. Clean and do the job right), and mopping can never be considered an awful thing.

But, seriously, what parent, after the whole bathing experience (which, of course, requires tricks and entertainment to prevent blood-curdling screams due to water in eyes, wrestling with pudgy fingers and toes to get fingernails and toenails cleaned and trimmed, chasing the naked baby around the house with onesie and pjs in hand, and then brushing long, tangled toddler-hair to the tune of sobbing by said toddler), really has the energy to mop the bathroom floor?

Not I!

*Note* Before any of my readers panic, I was not the one bathing children tonight. The credit all goes to my amazing husband. And, yes, he just finished mopping the floor.

P.S. I just read over this and thought, "Whatever happened to the days of putting my one child in the tub simply because it was fun for him and gave me 30 minutes of peace?!"


  1. I usually put one in the tub at a time.  The Mermaid (or greedy one) wants to lay down.  The Splashmister is just that, and will teach Grace how to misbehave!  But I must laugh, because we don't have an overflow drain on the tub (we have no idea why not!) and one day I forgot the Splashmister still had running water.  I walked in to find him sloshing the water over the edge with an inch of water on the floor.  ONLY one inch because the excess was going down the heat ducts.  *sigh*
    I can't wait to come up there and see ya'll again.

  2. I have one and he is a splasher.  Thank goodness for shower curtains, I close it and he goes to town.  3 splashers?  God Bless You (and Daniel)! 
    We would so love for you to bring the kids for a play date!!  We will think of you guys!

  3. I'm glad you added exactly who did the bathing/moping tonight. I was reading along thinking.. "oh my goodness Brietta! I would have moped for you!". I think the fact that you can get through bathtime with all three kids in the tub is pretty good. I remember bathing Rachel & Gina and the problem with one or the other laying down and screams following for the one who had to sit up. Ugh.. props to you (both).
    I had a feeling you might be asking for pictures ( I should have left a little note for you). As soon as our last minute touches are done the camera comes out. Granted the carpet is still old (we're waiting to recarpet until all the sheetrocking upstairs is done) and my curtains won't be up... but you'll get the point. :)

  4. I guess I should enjoy my peaceful bath times with Mara now. Sure, she doesn't always need a bath every night, but with Danny gone most evenings it gives us something to fill the time.
     I remember those days with myself and three other sisters in the tub together. I do not recall massive amounts of overthrown water on bathroom tiles, but I'll ask my mom I bet she remembers!

  5. rick always does the bath. almost always anyway. the boys love it. they're pretty good bout the splashing thing i guess. i just tell them water in the tub, cuase they'll take a fish and try and dump it out over the side of the tub. anyway... that was nice Daniel moopped for you. we don't know if all 3 will fit when the time comes. we'll see.  

  6. I'm so glad that it wasn't you cleaning up the kids and the floor! Sometimes I clean all 3 of my kids at once but usually, I just do the assembly line technique. Whenever Wes is in the tub, I have to remove his big toy boat (which we use for wetting/rinsing his hair) and let him play, while I get him clean. Otherwise, he thinks it's funny to take that boat, fill it with water and dump the water all over the floor and sometimes all over me! It gets crazy sometimes but I just try to smile and remember that I'm a mom, things happen and I will have lots of fun stories to tell the kids, when they're older! :)

  7. On Monday, for the first time ever, I closed the curtain and let Will & Hallie splash away. (This was while I was mopping the already-wet floor as well!) Tristan sat by and watched. I almost put him in the tub seat w/ them, but thought he might be traumatized. :)

  8. Caedmon loves to splash, too. I think it is my fault, though. When he first learned how to splash, I thought it was so adorable,and encouraged him to splash more...back when his little 6 month old hands could do little damage...I didn't realize how it would escalate :).

  9. Don't you just love reading a post and then suddenly you burst out laughing? 
    "Don't tell mom you hate her".
    "...chasing the naked baby around..."
    An image came into my mind of just lining them up and hosing them down. What am I thinking.
