Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Prenatal Appointment Synopsis (and 3rd entry in 1 day!)

Scheduled Appointment Time:
Actual Appointment Time: 4:05pm
Weight: 124lbs (+12lbs pre-pregnancy)
Blood Pressure: 91/61
Fundal Height: 20cm
Baby's Heart Rate: low 140s

I am so glad that the doctor and I both agree routine visits out-of-state are no longer necessary. In fact, we very much agreed that it's not necessary and she even agreed with me about keeping a very relaxed ultrasound schedule here at home. Well, we agreed on the latter until she found out that I've been having on-going symptoms this past week and decided an ultrasound next week would be wiser than waiting another 2-3 weeks.

While I have never been a huge fan of routine ultrasounds, I will definitely say that ultrasounds when there are visible complications are very reassuring. At this point, though, I have been feeling our little girl moving so often and so clearly for a couple weeks that I've stopped using the fetal doppler I have here at home for the most part. The sense of wanting to see if the baby is OK has diminished significantly so that the sense of worrying about the unnecessary effects (affects?-- I'm bad at this, too, Danica) of ultrasounds is stronger. I understand that it is important to make sure the baby is growing as the pregnancy progresses, but I am admittedly unsure of how often we should be checking. And I do feel that this decision is up to me as well as a doctor.

That said, I also understand the gut reaction of the doctor I sat across from today who said, Bleeding in pregnancy is just wrong. I want to make sure things are OK. And I that's why I told her to go ahead and schedule the ultrasound for Monday of next week.

And that basically sums up my appointment. It was a good one, and I felt more like a "normal" pregnant woman today than I have at any appointment I've had this pregnancy so far. Now I'm hoping that next Monday's ultrasound will be nothing but a report of improvement.


  1. I LOVE, LOVE hearing the pregnacy updates, but I also love the Gabriel, Bronwyn, Jackson antics. Keep them coming!
    Glad to hear you're doing so well with appointments and ultrasounds.
    These posts remind me of when my water first broke with Riley and they kept wanting me to go in every ten seconds for an ultrasound. At that point I was not sure about the safety of US (and still am not completely settled with the whole issue) but my friend Judy was like, "Well, now- you're just going to have to get over that one, aren't you?" I sat there, stunned. She had never been so blunt. I shrugged and admitted, "Yeah- I guess I am, huh?"

  2. So glad things are looking good and even more glad you don't have to travel for your prenatal care. I thought your idea of the game/poll was so fun... so i copied you. :)

  3. That is a GREAT report.  Funny how we take "normal" pregnancies for granted.  I am so glad that you feel "normal" again.  However, 12 lbs?  I could smack you!  I gained that in my 1st trimester!  (No kidding!)
