Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tomorrow night makes 10 weeks exactly since my first bleed. Thursday will make 10 weeks since I was told I probably had a subchorionic hematoma and that 20% of all pregnant women experience this in their first trimester so I didn't need to worry about it. Saturday will make 10 weeks since we found out that my SCH was much bigger than the average SCH-- putting me in a much higher-risk category for late miscarriage-- and my activities were first restricted.

I have technically been past the point of miscarriage for 1.5 weeks. Within 2.5 weeks the baby will be considered viable by pretty much all medical standards in the US. (Check this out if you're curious about preemie survival statistics.) To write that I have much to be thankful for is an understatement.

Even so, yesterday was a day of mixed feelings and emotions. Of course I was elated to get another good report about how the baby is doing and I'm very glad that the SCH has not gotten worse, but I confess disappointment that the SCH has not resolved much since my last ultrasound. My hopes had been that all the increased risks to the baby would now be in the past and that I might return to my role as homemaker yesterday, and that's not how things played out. And so my afternoon and evening was spent reminding myself of the bigger picture, which really is big.

As of right now, I'm not entirely sure of when this strange sort of "modified bedrest" will end. As long as the SCH persists, I am at high risk of blood loss (bad, in light of my anemia) and a high risk of uterine irritability, to which my constant rounds of contractions attest (they are definitely different than typical early contractions). I'm really not a bit worried about the contractions, since they have so far only been an indication of irritability and have not "fooled" my body into labor, but they do mean that no doctor wants me up and about, at least not for another 3 weeks and most likely not for another 7. (If you take a look at the link above regarding preemie survival statistics, it isn't hard to understand their thinking.)

I would very much like to see the SCH resolved before 28 weeks. At that point, if it remains size-able, Daniel and I will have a somewhat difficult decision to make regarding my level of activity. Statistically speaking, if I've made it that far without pre-term labor, I have a very good chance of going full-term even with the SCH, so doctors will most likely let me resume normal activities. But do we increase the risk of a pre-term baby just so I can clean the house and take a walk again? On the one hand, it hardly seems worth it. On the other hand, if I let statistics dictate my choices, I would never turn my stove on, drive a car, or wear deodorant. I mean, the honest truth is that if I avoided everything that has a remote chance of going wrong, I wouldn't be pregnant in the first place.

(This is the point at which Daniel inserts himself in the conversation and says, "Just stop thinking about it, Brietta. I'll decide if it comes to that." And I'm very, very glad that he would/will. He's a good dad and a wonderful husband.)

So yeah... all that to say not much has changed since yesterday's ultrasound report. We're still at a higher risk for a number of things that I try not to think about too much (like PTL, PROM, and IUGR), and I'm still sitting on the couch, which has a permanent "Brietta-mold" on it. But it's OK. Yes, we continue anxiously believing for complete healing and yet we are simultaneously satisfied in the grace He gives for today.

P.S. Thanks for bearing with me-- I know how pregnancy-focused I have been of late. And thank you to the many who are so interested in me and who ask about the little things (like bedrest).


  1. You are doing such a good job of sacrificing for your little girl and not complaining.  I am impressed with your patience and contentment.  Keep it up.   Thanks for the updates and the detailed information.  I really appreciate it.

  2. It's amazing that in the five weeks between 22 and 27 weeks gestation, the survival rate increases from 0% to more than 90%! That's so great. ryc: My mother in law comes to watch the kids, but since my little 2 are doing so poorly, I decided to stay home w/ them and let her go to the hospital. Dan should be coming home this afternoon, so I'll see him soon anyway.

  3. I don't envy your position, but it does seem you are blessed to have wonderful people around to help you make it through your time of restricted activity. Your situation gives me a better perspective, too...when I am tempted to complain about the "usual" inconveniences of pregnancy, I realize that things could be much harder to deal with than occasional heartburn. It is also encouraging to see God's faithfulness in your pregnancy as I approach delivery which is bound to me the most uncertain stage of my pregnancy. And I think that God will often take us past the point we think we can endure something so that we can know with absolute certainty that it is Him, and Him alone, that sustains us...well, I'm sure you know that, anyway, but reminders never hurt, right?

  4. Keep up the good work, Bri! I know that the enemy would plague you with his torment, but you are doing a good work against his wiles. We continue to pray for this awaited arrival of baby-girl Paladin. I am thankful that He hears our cries and answers them. What a wonderful knowledge, providing peace that passes understanding.
    In the meantime, we will clean, lift, cook, and do whatever for you. In fact, I am selfishly excited that you will spend Spain weeks with us. I love that!!
    You are special!

  5. We will miss you on Sunday!!!

  6. I like the new ticker! Very girly!!!
    Thank you  so much for the awesome gift for my girls!!! I love it. Infact, I tried to order those same PJ's and waited to long and they were all gone:( How cool is it that you picked the same ones! Thank you again. I think all the sizes will work too:)
    I promise to email. I have had so much going on this week. I actually think tomorrow I have nothing to do so I'll write then. :)

  7. Brietta,
    I don't remember if I told you yet but we will be at church on Sunday. We are going to visit my in laws this weekend and will be going to CFC for church. I hope you will be there b-cuz it would be nice to see you and the kids.


  8. I think letting Daniel decide is a good idea.  I just got some good advice from your father-in-law about my son, and there's things I need to let my husband decide on.  Because he's indecisive I just do it....like it won't get done without me...but by doing that, I haven't given him a chance to even learn how to decide and hear from God on it.... 
    I'm extremely happy your baby is safe and healthy.   

  9. It could be worse- you could be in a hospital bed in Syracuse away from Daniel and the kids!
    I know you weren't complaining. I was just trying to be funny.
    I agree with Mrs. Paladin- thanks for the updates. If you weren't pregnancy focused, we would all be teasing for updates. So, thanks.

  10. Glad to hear that your little one is doing well.  I'm praying for a full term pregnancy and a healthy little blessing!
