Monday, May 21, 2007

Ultrasound Report

If you think this newest baby gets a lot of reports, you think right! Not only did we start prenatal appointments early this time around (10 weeks as opposed to sometime between 12 and 15 weeks), it was only 1.5 short weeks later that all the subchorionic hematoma troubles began. I've been to my doctor's office 4 times, CPH 8 times, Burlington 1 time, and we just finished ultrasound #7 (yikes)-- and I'm not even 5 months pregnant yet. (Perhaps the Lord is trying to help me get over my terror of hospitals by giving me lots of opportunities to visit them. )  Daniel and I have laughingly commented that child #4 is not being "passed over" in the hustle and bustle of life with 3 other children as one might expect would be the case. We surely have taken special note of her!

Basics of today's ultrasound:
  1. The persistent subchorionic hematoma is being, well, persistent. At the ultrasound 2 weeks ago, it was measuring about 8x5cm. Today it measured about 7x6cm-- just a slightly different shape. Yet there was improvement in that it has "flattened" from about 5-6cm deep to about 2-3cm deep. While I have yet to get the official report from my doctor, the technician did say that flattening is often the first step towards resolution and that it's a good sign.
  2. The baby is measuring 20w2d exactly and weighs roughly about 12oz. (Ultrasound weight estimates aren't known for being very good, though the technician said it's easier to get a more accurate guess when the baby is smaller.)
  3. The placenta remains healthy, the cord blood flow is good, and my cervix is still long. This is all great news!
  4. "Oh yeah, she's definitely a girl. No doubts in my mind," declared the technician.
And now, for those of you who enjoy ultrasound photos:

This one kind of freaks me out, but at least you can see her little lips!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Nice profile shot
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

<Edit>I got rid of a picture because of the poor lighting.</Edit>


  1. So glad for the great report/pictures. (Although, with the lighting I can't see much of your bump. ) Yay for flattening!

  2. I like the 2nd pic a lot. It looks like your little princess is getting ready to suck her thumb. :)

  3. I'm glad things are going well!
    How is the bedrest going? 

  4. So glad to hear the good report! My friend just had her 1st baby yesterday (it's a girl) & it had some complications. They had to take the baby away from her & put her in the NICU. I can't imagine how frustrating/disappointing that must have been. The baby is ok now & they are reunited, but NOT the way everyone dreams of having their first child, ya know? Anyway...the good report you gave made me think of their good report & how faithful God is in all of the little details.

  5. Wow, what a good report. Glad to hear that the bleed is getting smaller and that the baby is growing correctly!

  6. that's wonderful news.
    with lois, i had an ultrasound every time i went to the dr.'s every 3-4 weeks. The ultrasounds at the Brigham and Womens Hospital are very accurate. They measued Lois the day before she was born and they said she weighed 5lbs 2 oz and at birth she was 5lbs 2 oz. I also never had to have a full blatter. they actually prefer an empty one. I loved that.  

  7. Yippie for good reports.  Ultrasound photos are amazing to me.

  8. No she was only a week "early" according to her due date, but the baby was born with what they thought was pneumonia. Apparently the mother (April) had Strep in her system, which they knew, & gave her some antibiotics before labor. I guess 9 out of 10 times there's no problem, but the baby was having trouble breathing. When she cried her oxygen levels were dropping way down so they kept putting her pacifier in sugar water to try & keep her from crying, haha:) They had to call a "neonatal intensive care unit transport team" to transport her to a bigger hospital that had a NICU. Last night she was completely on oxygen, but by this morning she was completely off of the oxygen & the doctors don't think she has pneumonia. They think she just had residual fluid still in her lungs. We find out tomorrow whether or not she had/has pneumonia for think this stuff fascinates me:) Sorry for the detailed explanation I'm sure you didn't care THAT much. Noah's mom is a nurse & we keep having all of these medical conversations & now I'm hooked...that and too much time on, haha;)

  9. Hey...I just realized you might know the mother...did you know April Shaw??? I know Carina knew Preston.

  10. Oh, I forgot to ask, what was the verdict on the bedrest situation?

  11. had a 3-D ultrasound, how amazing!  That is a great report.  Keep on growing little Princess!
