Thursday, May 24, 2007

Summer Days

The lazy days of summer are once again knocking at my door.

It isn't that there isn't a lot to do (on the contrary, Daniel has his long lists of things to accomplish before he leaves for Spain in exactly 3 weeks) and more that hazy, humid mornings like this one leave me wanting nothing more or less than picnic lunches, oceanside beaches (sorry, but rivers and lakes just don't cut it), ice cream from ice cream stands, and the smell of sunscreen. I'm still trying to figure out when summer became the busy season of my year when I still feel very certain that it ought to be the simplest one.

Of course, this summer I'm not anticipating much busyness on my part, at least not for the next several weeks. I'm also not banking on a trip to the ocean, though I sure am hoping for one. After all, no summer is complete without the taste and smell of North-East salt water. But while I don't have many plans, my husband has his goals, including some pretty exciting-sounding outreach ministry, a turn-me-green-with-envy return trip to Spain, and getting an illusive fence built. I will sit by and enjoy that somehow I share in his work and productivity, even when it doesn't feel that I myself am contributing much.

We will attend our first wedding of the season this weekend; there are several weddings each year to attend since we are in our mid-twenties and involved in college ministry. The days before and after the wedding are both scheduled with parties. (How is it that going from party to party is so fun yet exhausting?)

Yes, the lazy but busy-with-celebration days are arriving. A new season.

I'm glad for seasons.


  1. I can't believe that it is Memorial Day this weekend, can you?  We, too have so many wedding this summer. Fun but you are right...EXHAUSTING!  (and expensive!)
    Is it humid up there?

  2. Weddings are a lot of fun! I'll be at one this weekend, too.
    I have also noticed that summer seems to become busier and busier. I don't mind it, though, I would rather be busy in 'cheerful' weather, than in cold, icky weather. I only wish i had the time and money to invest in planting some more flowers around the house. At least I have the fall, for tulips!
    I'm planning on going to CFC this Sunday. Hopefully, I'll see you there!

  3. "I will sit by and enjoy that somehow I share in his work and productivity, even when it doesn't feel that I myself am contributing much."
    It's a good thing we don't go by "feelings", isn't it?
    So glad we know better.
    My father-in-law always reminds us that "Feelings have no authority. God's Word has all authority."
    Isn't that wise?
