Saturday, May 5, 2007

Our Report

We had a long but good afternoon in Burlington.

Well, I should take that back. The time in Burlington wasn't long; the time driving to and from seemed far longer than the 3 hours each direction that it was. I know that many prefer scenic routes to thruways that barrel along with nary a sight to see, but at least I don't get carsick on the thruway. Driving through small town after small town in fairly intense sunlight, no interstates or steady speeds or straight paths, made my stomach feel... well... yucky. It reminded me of when I first moved to Pittsburgh and just driving to church from our townhouse (a whole 6 miles!) made me feel sick.

At any rate, we got there, and without significant illness on my part.

The ultrasound was very thorough. First I spent 30 minutes with a technician who was funny and talkative and pointed out every single thing that she did (I thought that was nice since, as a mom, I enjoy learning about all things pregnancy-related). Then I spent 30 minutes with a radiologist who's been doing this for over 20 years and was very good. My favorite part about having the radiologist actually doing the ultrasound was that we didn't have to wait to hear what she was finding: she told us right away.

From the ultrasound, I would say that the two biggest things we learned were that 1. our local hospital has done a very thorough and excellent job at diagnosing what's going on and, 2. *insert drumroll* we are almost definitely having a baby girl! (Daniel, who officially went on the record as guessing girl last week, is once again right and I am once again wrong!*) There weren't any significant changes or surprises concerning the placental hemorrhage, which is still very present and very size-able, and yet our baby is continuing to grow without the slightest hint of a problem. (They estimate that she is up to almost 9oz now.)

Following the ultrasound, we had a consult with a specialist right there in the OB wing. She was a very thorough woman who spoke plainly but without unnecessary negativity. She took the time to draw pictures of what different subchorionic bleeds can look like, what mine specifically is, how the placement and size of the bleed puts me at risk for different things, what I can do in the meantime, and how she envisions the rest of my prenatal care. Many fears were virtually put to rest by knowing more about the hemorrhage itself, and now Daniel and I feel that we can intelligently pray about how to proceed from here.

As I sat in the exam room waiting for the specialist, I started imagining her coming in and telling me that life could go back to normal. That didn't happen. But I'm still praying for a complete resolution and healing of this hemorrhage (I don't care that specialists have only confirmed that this problem will persist and threaten the duration of the pregnancy) because I haven't a doubt that sickness is not His portion for me or this baby. I truly believe that the reason this pregnancy is an anomaly today is because God sovereignly intervened at a time when babies are typically lost, due to the size of my hemorrhages, and protected this baby's life. Not only that, but He has made two hemorrhages one, and that one is slowly but steadily decreasing in size. (Yesterday it was about 9x7x5cm.)

Yes, I am still on bedrest. This is not so much because anyone in any way envisions this "fixing" the situation, but more as an important tool in protecting me from symptoms (mainly, ongoing bleeding). I am always surprised by how strongly the medical community reacts to my anemia because, to me, it's just part of life and pregnancy. I forget that coming home from Jackson's birth with a hemoglobin level of 6.2 is not normal to the point of being dangerous and that I am fortunate to have a doctor who didn't absolutely insist on a blood transfusion. My marching orders for the rest of the pregnancy are to avoid blood loss at all costs, to take my prescription iron diligently, and to eat high-iron foods as much as possible-- particularly animal protein since I could also use more protein in my diet.

The specialist in Burlington would, of course, like to see me every 4 weeks or so from here on in (well, she made it sound like she'd prefer every 2 weeks but, because of how far we have to drive, would be okay with every 4 weeks-- assuming there are no more complications). This is one of the things Daniel and I need to pray about. I feel very strongly, especially after yesterday's visit to Burlington, that my doctor and local radiologists have done an excellent job at diagnosing and tracking the bleeds. Personally, I would rather let them do the continued care, unless they at any time see something alarming enough to warrant another opinion, which I feel they are honest and humble enough to ask for.

The biggest risk we are facing is pre-term labor, since this pool of blood could easily irritate my uterus and, in turn, my uterus could try to expel it. But as of now (I think largely because the bleed has moved to the end of the placenta instead of being directly underneath it) I'm only at about a 25% risk for that (a "normal" pregnancy faces a 7-10% for pre-term labor). I told Daniel after the appointment that pre-term labor for me would be 38 weeks with a 7lb baby, so we've got nothing to worry about!

If you want the more detailed report, let me know and I'll e-mail you. There's simply too much to write on here.

(Oh, and no name yet. Sorry.)

<Edit>*I have to note that I'm not always wrong about the gender. With Gabriel, both Daniel and I thought beforehand that we were having a boy. When pregnant with Jackson, I vacillated back and forth a lot and never really felt sure either way. The funny thing is that when I was expecting Bronwyn, I really thought she was a boy. Like, I really thought that. So I'm 1 for 3 (I never really made a guess with Jack, which I suppose could also be counted against me) and Daniel is 4 for 4, which definitely gives him bragging rights. Oh well...! </Edit>


  1. I can go on now with normal daily activities sinceyou've upated!!  So wonderful to hear.  Really it is.  We've been thinking/praying for you over the last 24 hours and what a testimony this is!  A girl!  How fun!  I've decided that everyone is having babies in some kind of pattern and that will determine my gender guessing from here on out. (I"m not guessing how many, just the pattern)  Here they are:
    You: boy, girl, boy, girl....(boy, girl, boy, girl) 
    Stacie: boy, boy, girl...(boy, boy, girl)
    Shell: girl, girl, girl...(girl, girl, girl)
    Marcie: boy, boy...(boy, boy, boy)
    Abby: girl, boy...(girl, boy, girl, boy)

  2. Debbie is waiting to find out though there seems to be a lot of people that think boy (I being one of them) but we'll find out soon!

  3. That is a great report, I am so happy for you!!  We will continue to pray for the bleed to get smaller and your uterus to cooperate.  :)  Congratulations on the baby GIRL!  That is wonderful.  If you figure out a name and are willing to share, please let us know so that we can pray for her by name.  How often do they want to do the ultrasounds?

  4. Sonny is always right about gender and I'm quickly reducing my percentage (now down to 50%).

  5. Praise God for such a wonderful testimony. If you're doctor is who I think she is, she is fantastic. Some day she'll realize all these miracle babies from the church in Madrid are because of His intervention and not just her great care.

    (Oh and I agree that babies do seem to get cuter with each stage and I love it. )

  6. This is really wonderful news.  It is especially encouraging that the bleed is consistently getting smaller!  A few weeks ago, that sure didn't seem like it would be the case. 
    So, does you having a girl mean that I should plan for a girl or will this be our first break in a gender tradition?  Maybe I should ask Daniel since neither Ryan or I are good at guessing!
    I look forward to hearing more details in the days to come.  Love you guys!

  7. Yeay for a good report! And yeay for a girl! Bronwyn will make a lovely big sister.
    P.S. My kids are zonked!

  8. Yeah for good news!! We will continue to pray that this bleed disappears completely.  I think that you are in great hands here too. 

  9. Woo-hoo! Glad for some good news!

  10. Lucas guessed boy with Westley. I wanted a girl so bad for my first, that I was convinced I was having a girl! I am ever so grateful for Wes, though!  :)  I knew that I was having at least 1 girl with the last pregnancy. Then, when we found out that we were having twins, I guessed identical twin girls and Lucas was convinced of fraternal twins: boy & girl. So, I guess were 50/50 over here!
    Boy/Girl- they're both blessings!!!
    I'm glad to hear that your visit to Burlington was able to put your mind at ease, a little. God's hand is definately in this and He will be your best source of comfort and strength.
    Please let me know how I can best be of help to you and your family.

  11. Glad to hear more details of the good news.  A little girl!  Now I will pray for "her" instead of "the baby."  I will pray for specific wisdom for you for the many details and decisions.

  12. Wonderful News!  We will keep praying for the beautiful little girl that is coming into our lives!  God is Good all the time!  Love to All  Gram

  13. Glad to hear the news. Still praying for you. :)

  14. So good to hear positive news about your little girl.  Keeping you and your family always in my prayers.

  15. Wonderful news. We're praying for this little baby girl!!! I cant' wait to see what name you'll pick:) How exciting.
    I promise to email soon. This weekend has been crazy with Missa's shower.

  16. Brietta,
    I normally function with iron levels in th e 6-10 range. I got down to 2 after my first miscarriage and then i begged for a transfusion. i had dr. dargie when he was still in potsdam.
    Glad to hear you had a really good report and feel reassured and strengthened. Been thinkig of you and praying for you as well.

  17. Eat lots of meat..... you never did tell me what kind you like best?  Don't worry about your well so that baby grows as big as she should and you still keep healthy!  It's great to hear the bleed is getting smaller, finally!  (God has to work on my patience) And 25% sounds good to me, I actually thought your risk would be much higher....
    I knew Joy would be a girl before she was I win?   ;-D
