Monday, May 14, 2007

My tulips were in perfect full-bloom this Mother's Day. I must say that they've been looking amazing for a couple days now! I think being shaded from the afternoon sun (they only get morning and evening sunlight), combined with much cooler weekend temperatures, will lengthen their life and my enjoyment of them.

Daniel's out buying gutters to hang along the porch roof even as I type. This is my Mother's Day gift, per request.

Now I just have to decide what mid-summer perennial to plant in front of the tulips. It has to be something that doesn't spread (I want my tulips back each year!) and that has a decent bloom-time-- and I'd also like it to be in the 18-24" range. Suggestions are welcome.

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  1. I saw these Friday and I must say they do look wonderful!!  (A bit of green in my eyes since my dozen+ tulips planted 2 years ago still only result in 1 flower.  Guess I need to refigure my front garden...) 

  2. My first thought was coral bells but now that I have seen your bed, I am not sure it is big enough. There is a variety with green leaves and bright pink blooms as well.

  3. the tulips are beautiful! mine lived a good but very short life=)

  4. As I drove by on Friday, I enjoyed your tulips very much. I'm glad they worked out so well for you. The one time I planted them, skunks dug the bulbs up and ate them!

  5. ohmygoodness.  your house is so darling with those tulips!  i love it.  your right, they "fit" your house.  : )

  6. Your tulips look great!  I was definitely missing them this year.  Hope all is well.  I think we are about 2 months ahead of you guys interms of the weather.  My plants were wilting in the afternoon, intense, very hot sun today.  Liz

  7. Those beautiful tulips make your house looks so cheerful! I'm hoping to plant some this fall.

  8. Your house looks so lovely!!! Love the tulips! Ben and I are hoping to get somewhat of a garden started this year. We´ll see how that goes. Still praying for you! Lots of love!

  9. I'm actually 46 so I'm happy...I was wondering though, I know I feel much I guess 35 is a good age...I know I did not like being a I have to think about that when I have the issues with Matthew.  I liked 25...

  10. I must say....we do admire your little house every time we pass it. It looks beautiful!

  11. Did you plant those yourself?  They are perfect!!!  I am jealous as they are my all time favorite flowers.  Do you like crocuses?  (sp)  They are pretty and come up right before the tulips.  I am not very flower savy---sorry!
    PS...Happy Belated Mother's Day!

  12. very pretty! i'm sorry i missed you while i was in NY... maybe another time. (i met your in-laws though!!! :))

  13. The tulips are truly beautiful and enhance the front of your home. 
    It has been a long time since I have planted flowers, and reading you write about your tulips and all have brought back lovely memories of the different gardens I had.
    I remember one time when I lived in PA I thought I was doing something wonderful as I dove into this huge area of land and cleaned it out and prepared to plant ever-so-lovely flowers until I started to itch a bit later and found that I was planted myself in a massive spot of land loaded with posion ivy.  I was early forties and thought I would never get poison ivy, but I was in overkill stage with being in the middle.  I was fortunate that I took a shower right away and only had it on my hands and arms, but oh, my, that was painful enough.
    Anyway, I love your pictures and all.

  14. Your house looks great!

    I've been trying to think of a perennial for you but can't think of one that doesn't spread. Shasta daisies, maybe? Black-eyed susans? What about some hostas as well? They get bigger but they'd fill in your flower bed nicely.
