Thursday, May 3, 2007

Stuff and Nonsense

:: It's a really pretty spring day. I know I've been writing for days and days that my tulips are looking better and better, but they really and truly are! I'm enjoying every bit of growth! And the great news is that they definitely seem to be too close to the road to tempt rabbits, so we haven't had as much as a single nibble. Unfortunately, the UPS man has taken out a couple tulips by walking through them instead of around them, but that rant should be saved for another time and day.

It's the kind of day when you hear lawns being mowed, smell debris raked from gardens being burned, and see the bluest of skies without a hint of a cloud for miles. I love how clear North Country skies are year-round. After living in an overcast area for four years, I think I will never take these skies for granted again.

It's the kind of day when you get goose-bumps from the sudden mild breeze; the kind of day when you're hot without the window cracked in your car.

:: Liana arrived this morning with an overnight bag, violin and music stand, and books. She'll be taking up residency in our guest room much of the next week while Daniel tries to get through the end-of-the-semester bustle. It is fun to have her here. It is even more fun to look forward, on behalf of my small children, to a more consistent routine and voice of authority.

(Is it trivial to find peace in not having to tell her where the ingredients for PB&J are, or which dresser belongs to which child, or what time the kids usually take naps? Because I'm finding it peaceful.)

:: I spent an hour at the hospital this morning getting the shot I require because of having Rh- blood. There aren't a great deal of things I dislike about living in a rural area, but having to go to the ER for a rather routine shot is a bit annoying, I must confess. Especially since ER nurses don't seem to realize that it isn't necessary to push the fetal doppler into my abdomen.

Honestly, I felt like taking the doppler from her and doing it myself-- especially after I had to tell her that she was clocking my heartbeat and not the baby's.

:: Tomorrow Daniel and I will spend the day in Burlington, VT for a level 2 ultrasound and consultation. I am praying for our second good report.

:: Our Easter decorations are still out, one month later. The lawn needs to be mowed and a number of screens that were broken last summer by small hands need to be replaced. Our refrigerator shelves are a bit of a disgrace and winter snowsuits are still hanging in our laundry room.

What can I say? There are bigger fish to fry right now.


  1. Your post today made me smile:) Just thought you'd like to know!

  2. Hope everything goes well with your ultrasound tomorrow. I, too, still have snowsuits out and a refrigerator in desperate need of cleaning...but no good excuse for it ;).

  3. I will be praying for a good report tomorrow.  Keep us posted!!

  4. Glad you are enjoying a sister and a spring day! I enjoyed a daughter who showed up to help out with the garden along with resident daughters and a mom and dad. We put a good dent the work, but are far from close to finished. That will be days and days from now. But still, it was good.

    As for snow suits, refrigerators, and lawns, you are farther ahead than me, simply because you only have three little ones and I have countless (somehow those big boys have as much hanging as the little one - wait, they have more!!) Still, I have hands that should be able to help get them collected and washed and stowed away for the warm months ahead. Time marches, doesn't it?

    Hope to see you tomorrow to relieve a certain young lady of her duties there so she can take the test at church. I'm sure she would rather make PB&J!!

    Love you, and am praying for your time tomorrow.

  5. I can't wait until the ultrasound tech/perinatal nurse in Vt. says that she is curious as to how you've "made it" this far...
    P.S. If it were right to have favorites- Liana would be one of mine!

  6. i'm glad Liana is coming to help. it's nice to have someone that knows where things are and how things go. I'm sure the violin music was nice too. I  know you'll get a great report tomorrow. i'm glad you know how to run the doppler and which heartbeat is which. :) Love you, Bri.  

  7. We're rejoicing at the great report from yesterday!  I'm so glad t hear that you are getting competant help and that you have friends and family so close.  PLease make a list of those snow suits, Easter decorations, lawn work etc. Beth, Dad and I are hoping to help with jobs just like that when we are visiting next weekend.  We pray that our visit will be a blessing to you and that we will be able to help with some of the practical needs you have right now. 
    I'm impressed with how well both of you are doing in trusting Gos through this trying time.  Brietta, you are making a difficult sacrifice daily for your new baby and for your family by heeding the advice of the doctor and doing so with a great attitude.  Keep up the good work!
