Saturday, October 18, 2008



1. I like chunks in my homemade applesauce. It tastes more like apple pie filling that way.

2. I have to brush my teeth first thing in the morning before I do anything else, including nursing the baby (even though I nurse her all night long, it's somehow different once I'm up for the day!), drinking my coffee, changing a diaper, eating, etc.

3. Generally, I'm okay with buying knock-off brands. Several exceptions to this include mayonnaise, ketchup, cereal, peanut butter, and hot cocoa mix.

4. I don't have curtains in any of the first floor windows of my house. There are roman shades in my bedroom, but that's it. This is partly because I love the molding in our house and I like the simple, colonial look of bare windows, but it's also because I'm not impressed with most window treatments and consequently feel at a loss as to what I would like.

5. I rarely compare myself with other people, but I struggle hourly with comparing myself with who I think I should be.

6. I work better with shoes on. Even around the house.

7. My husband tells me I look like I'm crazy when I read because my eyes move so fast.


  1. #7: Umm, it's not just that your eyes move fast. It's that they get HUGE, and your whole neck tenses up and there's an enormous amount of energy emanating simply from the position of your head. Seriously, you're the most intense (and fastest) reader I know. So I agree with him.  :)

  2. Wow. That's a whole lot of info about your reading behaviors.
    I love that kind of thing.
    You know, in college I used to research reading/writing behaviors.
    Now I have to observe you doing these things you've been accused of.

  3. I always wear shoes too. Even when I'm not going out. I feel more productive and more comfortable with shoes on.

  4. "Yes" to #1, 4 and 5.  :)  I love "plain" windows.  Another huge decorating problem of mine is lighting.  I love good lighting decor but can not envision what a room needs and so just leave the old ugly lighting there for ever and ever.

  5. Thank you again for your flawless service, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
