Thursday, October 9, 2008

Notes on my little people::

:: I think that Aubrey is turning out to be quite the silly girl. She already cracks up about the ridiculous games she and Daddy play together. Daniel seems pretty pleased that she's showing distinct signs of being a girl after his own heart in the humor department.

:: Boys and girls are so incredibly different! I never have to tell Bronwyn that she's not allowed to spit in the house. On the other hand, I never have to tell the boys that they need to stop crying about not wearing a dress today.

:: Tomorrow Gabriel has his first morning of Friday Program. I'm a little overwhelmed by the idea of not having him here for a whole morning each week (he does so much to help me these days!). I'm even more overwhelmed by how much I'm already missing "those days" as a mom. You know... when the little ones are all right here and I am their entire world. Gabriel will be going off on his own a bit, making friends and learning things apart from me. I've been excited for him as we've looked ahead to this, but today I'm just sad for me. And I guess I didn't anticipate dealing with these sorts of feelings for, like, another 10 years or something.

:: Jackson not only looks like a Sinclair with his bright red hair, droopy eyes and white eyelashes, and peaches n' cream complexion, but he does a number of things that remind me of my dad. Like the way he eats. So slow! The rest of us will have long emptied our plates, and still Jackson is quietly eating while we look on. He definitely didn't get that from Daniel or I.

:: Bronwyn keeps getting taller and taller. Somebody make her stop before I cry.

:: Gabriel still says Calithornia instead of California. Bronwyn still says lellow instead of yellow. Jackson still says biaper instead of diaper. The only time Aubrey talks is in the middle of the night when she stands in her crib and cries, "Mama! Mama! Mama!" And, yes, I think it's all incredibly cute.


  1. So- I've come a looong way.
    Since Colby was talking so well by his 1st birthday, I was super hard on him.
    Plus back then I was ANTI-babytalk and it was all very important to me.
    If he even thought about saying "lellow" I would take it to task, working and giving 1 on 1 speech therapy until he got it right. What a nut I was.
    Emily is 4 and she still calls her brother, "Bladley". If you try to correct her and say, "NO- it's Bradley" she looks confused and insists, "That's what I said!"
    Now you will never hear me fussing over these things.
    It doesn't surprise me that Aubrey is a sill girl.
    She is perfect in every way. I love her a lot.
    I was remembering yesterday how you let me hold her that night at the mom's meeting at the Meyers' house. She slept so peacefully in my arms and although I'm pretty sure I was TRYING to listen, I'm quite sure the only thing I remember is hearing her breathe and her sweet baby smell. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  2. What precious details about your precious children.  Thanks.

  3. I love kid-speak.  Larry was going on and on the other day about wanting a "midget" - very insistent he was, like we should know what he meant.  It took until the next day to figure out he was asking for "music," to play his drum to.Your munchkins are sweet!

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