Thursday, December 13, 2007


Bleeding, cracking, tear-inducing thrush.

I am frustrated.



  1. Oh no!  I will be praying for you for sure.   
    Out of curiosity... are you making your own bread or eating any home-made bread?  The only time I have had thrush (so far) was with Ashlyn when I first started making my own bread.  I figured out that the yeast in the bread was more than needed and the excess was leading to the thrush.  I simply reduced the amount of yeast and havent had trouble since (praying that will stay true!). 

  2. Oh, Bri! I hadn't heard - when did this start? Bummer. Absolute bummer.I'll be praying and hoping it comes to a screeching halt - IMMEDIATELY!!

  3. Oh my gosh! I feel your pain. When Tristan and I had it, I bought some kids acidophilus powder and would swipe it on his tongue/ inner cheeks after each nursing. And I would also spray a vinegar-water solution on myself (let it air dry) after every nursing. I know, this is such a PAIN in the YOU-KNOW-WHAT!!!! Oh, man. Also, lanolin helps with the cracking. I read that you shouldn't use it because it keeps you from drying out, but when I  finally did use it, the payoff of faster healing and less pain/ cracking was worth it for me. I'll be praying and hoping this ends quickly (and w/o antibiotics!) for you!!

  4. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear that. I will pray.

  5. There's a candida diet... maybe that would help clear up the infection.
    I'll keep you all in my prayers.

  6. And this:

  7. Ooo, yuck.  Never had it myself, so I can't say I feel your pain, but I've heard enough about it (mostly from you!) so I know it's a nightmare.  Ouch.  Praying for you and hoping it clears up Right Quick.

  8. I'm so sorry that you are going through this again.  I'm praying.

  9. In the name of JESUS will you please heal this woman right this very minute?!
    Love you. Praying for you. Does it help for me to say "It could be worse"?
    No? OK. I won't go there!
    P.S. You could have twins with thrush! Sorry- I couldn't resist!

  10. Sorry to hear about the problem; I'll be praying for you!

  11. Hi Brietta - I am so sorry! We are praying... Love, Q

  12. Oh my! I'll be praying for you both even more! Message/call me, if there is anything I can do to help!

  13. Not only is the pain horrible, but I'm sure with a not-so-good nurser this isn't making things any easier. I'll be praying for you and Aubrey.

  14. Oh... I am so sorry!! That really really stinks. Hope and pray this passes soon!

  15. Not again!!  I'm so sorry!  I've never experienced this but I know from your earlier posts on it with jackson that it's really painful!  Praying for a quick recovery!
