Friday, December 14, 2007

3 Months

Yesterday I was a little preoccupied and I completely missed my baby girl's big 3 Month milestone. We are in the midst of the worst battle with thrush I have ever had-- and I've had a few, to say the least-- and it is causing me to spend a lot of time re-thinking my overall health and nutrition. Daniel warns me not to have a knee-jerk reaction to this, but it's hard not to when this battle feels all-too familiar and increasingly overwhelming. At the very least, I am cutting out a lot of things that are definitely not good for promoting good bacteria instead of yeast (good-bye bread and pasta and pretty much all things carb-elicious) and am adding probiotics and protein and veggies in their place-- at least until I feel a bit more confident that I've restored some better balance to my body.

But that's not what I wanted to write about.

For now, I'm focusing on the joys of Aubrey Colette.

:: Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning, Aubrey slept. She woke only to eat during that time. It was her first real growth spurt to speak of and I am fully convinced that she woke up at least an inch longer. Overnight-- literally-- her 0-3 month clothing went from being plenty roomy to being a smidgen too short. And when the home health care nurse was here on Wednesday, she measured Aubrey at about 23". Wow!

:: Aubrey also weighed in at almost 10lbs on Wednesday (the infant scale these home health care nurses use is as old as the hills and doesn't have ounces on it, but we know she was a bit closer to 10lbs than to 9.75lbs!). She is growing-- and growing well! (She's averaged almost 6oz/week in the past 3 weeks.)

:: She is settling into a very nice routine without any help from me-- goodness, my own routine is lacking!-- beginning her night at about 7pm and ending it every morning at 8am (with feedings in-between). She's like an alarm clock about starting her day at 8am. She always smiles the most at this time, until I administer her medicines, at which point she contorts her face as if to say she is rather displeased with me.

:: During the day, Aubrey has become quite a fan of the Moby Wrap. She takes her best nap in there while I wash dishes, brush hair, start dinner, address Christmas cards, make beds, and more. It really is a wonderful way for me to get much-needed work done while still getting to cuddle my baby. (I am hoping to write more of a "review" on the wrap some time soon.)

:: Gabriel, Bronwyn and Jackson are more and more in love with her everyday. It's almost getting ridiculous, honestly. I can't put her down without worrying about Jack's face ending up inches from hers within seconds and Bronwyn is often reminding me that she's "not coughin' any more, Mama," which is my cue to let her hold Aubrey for a few minutes on her lap. Gabriel is the most extreme, with his kisses and hugs and ridiculously high voice when he talks to Aubrey, not to mention his claims that Aubrey is the cutest baby in the whole world... along with his frequently expressed wishes that she would stay small forever.

:: Her coloring is still very fair. People often declare that she looks like Jackson. I think she's a bit of a blend between Gabriel and Jackson. Her hair is minimal, but after having one redhead and when I look at what she's got, I feel fairly certain that we will be adding a second shade of red to the family in due time.

:: Aubrey loves to "talk." Loves it. Like, really really really loves it. Making her happy is often as simple as helping her sit on my lap facing me and letting her Coo away. It's breathtakingly adorable and I really ought to get a video of it to share with you all.

:: Next Thursday we make the little trek to see Aubrey's cardiologist. She will get an echocardiogram done at that time to see what changes may have taken place in her heart since she left the NICU. The cardiologist has also mentioned trying to formulate a better plan for surgery once they (all four cardiologists, along with the pediatric cardiology surgeon here) can review the echo. I am praying for an excellent report and good changes. I'm also praying that the more extreme surgical options (like restructuring her heart to be a 3-chamber heart instead of 4 chambers like you and I) will no longer be the likely course of action.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Jackson "reading" to Aubrey


  1. What a great post. I smiled the whole time. Infact, I'm still smiling writing my post! What a sweet girl! I'll be praying for the doc apt next week!

  2. I would love to see a vid of Aubrey cooing away. I just love baby coos and smiles!
    Jack is SO cute, reading to her. What a great big brother!

  3. Oh my gosh... who's cuter?!  They look so stinkin' CUTE sitting there! =)

  4. What cute pictures!  I'm loving these fantastic Aubrey-updates!Looking forward to the Moby review . . .

  5. How do you keep your couch so clean???Ok, my point   I don't know if you've seen this or not, but maybe there's some helpful info there. would think cutting out all forms of sugar and refined grains, over complex carbs, is the most important.  Just my $0.02 of the little food knowledge I have   I hope you have relief soon!

  6. So so sweet. I think its fun we have girls only 2 days apart. :) I love it when you post the happenings of all your little people.
    We got your Christmas card in the mail today. How adoarble! Though, I'll warn you... ours are very similiar and done at the same place! Funny.

  7. What a precious update, Brietta! Happy 3 months to your sweetie girl (and to all of you)... Love, Q

  8. Aubrey will be speaking sentences by the time she is one and reading by the time she turns two.
    Good boy, Jackson!

  9. you're such a good mama.  really, that's what i'm always thinking.

  10. Hey Brietta.  I remember commenting on thrush stuff back when you were nursing Jackson!  I'm so sorry for you.  As a fellow high-yeast type of person (why?  maybe it's the cookies? ... I don't know) I wanted to share my sympathies and also a web site to a place where I've been getting a combination of things in an attempt to really fight this thing off.  I bought the "pregnancy anti-yeast" pack. In any case, the different supplements/combinations may prove helpful to you.  Also the staff are very friendly on the phone and are knowledgeable about what nursing moms can and can't take.  I made the rum logs (from your mom's blog) today but have no idea what they are supposed to look like.  Will you or your mom or Danica post a pic for us new-to-rum-logs people?

  11. We may see you in passing!  Jayden has his MRI/CT Scan/ABR Hearing Test next Thrus. which means he'll be sedated for about 2+ hours.  If you're at University, we may run into you!  Safe traveling!

  12. What great news about Aubrey.  What great pictures.

  13. I'm so excited to hear how Aubrey is changing and growing.  We'll keep her doctors in prayer for wisdom from on high!  Thanks for keeping us updated; it's so fun to hear of the happenings in your family.  We love you guys!

  14. That is awesome that Jack likes to read to Aubrey. I love when kids are into reading. Hayla has always been into books and we are trying to make it stick too! She has to read every night before bed. So I have worked in bible reading, from a younger kids bible, but not a baby bible. It usually puts her to sleep but hey she doesn't complain much. I hope that everything comes back with great news for Aubrey and her heart. It must be weird to have her around the house and see her looking perfect and healthy and then deep inside she could have a problem. It must be unreal almost. Well I hope you all have a great day! God Bless you all!Andrea Josephs

  15. thanks for the update, we will continue to pray. jackson looks so grown up! it's amazing what a hair cut can do, isn't it? 

  16. we got your Christmas picture today in the sweet!!  :)

  17. i tried your salmon recipe tonight - yum!  even kayla enjoyed it.  happy belated 3 months to aubrey!

  18. I still just look and think how cute they all are!!!!!!!!
