Saturday, December 29, 2007


Today we found out that Aubrey is in mild heart failure. This is most likely due to her body struggling to regulate itself after coming off one of her medications. The next couple days we need to see her improve or else we will most likely be making a trip to Syracuse to see the cardiologists, who are for now giving medical directions via the phone to our local doctor.

Aubrey is still oxygenating her body fairly well (her oxygen saturation level was around 90% today, which is the lowest its been but not terrible) and she has good color. The problem is indicated by labored breathing, extremely poor eating, no weight gain (she was 9lbs11oz today), and fitful sleeping: her heart is simply having to work a little too hard.

Right now, the plan is to increase her dosage of Lasix to 0.5ml two times a day instead of just one. If she improves over the next day or two, we will wait and see our doctor again on Thursday for a follow-up weight check, blood draw, and exam.

Please pray for our sweet, sweet girl's heart to stabilize and do the job it needs to do. Please pray for wisdom for Daniel and I as we watch over her, and for the doctors as they plan her care. Please pray for new strength to replace the weariness and sadness I am feeling.

Please keep praying for Aubrey's miracle.



  1. We will pray for her. Please know you are all on our hearts. keep us posted.

  2. Praying hard.  For her and you.Update when you can...

  3. We are all praying here as well. 
    I feel as if we are all mounting for another battle in this war with you all and the song "Onward Christian Soldiers" is running through my head.  Especially this part:  "Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane, But the church of Jesus constant will remain.  Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;  We have Christ’s own promise, and that cannot fail." 

  4. Hi Brietta - we are praying and our church family, too! Love, Q

  5. You are in our thoughts and we are praying for you all Brietta!

  6. Praying; for Aubrey, you and Daniel, and all the kids.  

  7. We will be praying for you all, especially Abrey.

  8. I'm sorry. That must so SO frustrating and discouraging! Keep up the good wok; I know you'll make it through.

  9. We are most definitely praying for you all and have great confidence that He will correct the wrongs in her precious body.  

  10. It can be easy to look at Aubrey's beautiful pictures and forget that the inside of her is anything less than perfect, but we have not ceased to remember her in our prayers and we will lift her up with more urgency as you all face this hurdle.

  11. We are praying and our church is too. Hang in there.

  12. We will pray for you all. 
    We love you.
    Jude and family

  13. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts as you face this new challange.

  14. Our family is praying for your sweet little girl. We are praying for you and Daniel too.

  15. We are praying for you all here.  God is faithful.

  16. Huh. I was just reading over some of my old comments and saw that YOU were the one who told ME about the vinegar water for thrush. Here I was thinking I was passing on helpful advice. *sigh* Hope you are doing better with that, anyway!

  17. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers!! 

  18. Sending up prayers here too. What a sweet girl she is.
