Wednesday, December 19, 2007


We're headed out the door for an 11am appointment with Aubrey's pediatric cardiologists. Please pray for a miraculous report!

Also, on top of the thrush (which is slowly but steadily improving thanks to the medication we had to resort to), I am without a doubt flirting with my first case of mastitis. I have several burning blocked ducts that are refusing to be massaged out, along with a low-grade fever. So maybe while you pray for Aubrey, you could also pray for me.



  1. Oh my...praying!!!
    Believing for a great report!

  2. Mastitis is nothing to mess with.  I waited too long with mine, having a high grade fever for over 24 hours and was admitted to the ER and needed fluids and antibiotics.  Had I waited even longer I would have had to been admitted to the hospital and stayed overnight for treatment.  Praying it clears before that!

  3. right, right. I am praying.But, can I just say "ouch"?

  4. Praying for you, too.  I also wanted to let you know that the name of the photo editor that Tim used is "gimp" and can be downloaded for free at

  5. I had full-blown mastitis after Tristan was born. I was almost put on antibiotics (they gave me 24 hrs. to "kick it" on my own) and I spent the ENTIRE DAY in bed. It did clear up, but you REALLY have to take it easy. Rest is seriously critical, but as the lactation consultant told me (after she saw on my charts that he was my third,) ...good luck with that!! I realllly hope it clears up for your sake. It is just miserable.

  6. It was heavenly to hold your littlest angel last night, if only for a few minutes.
    Whenever I hold her, by faith I imagine the chambers of her heart being strengthened
    and healed.
    We are looking with eager expectation for the proof of that work!

  7. praying for you & Aubrey right now... love, Q
