Monday, December 3, 2007


All 3 kids marched out the door in Daddy's footsteps, looking rather life stuffed sausages in their fat snow pants, heavy jackets, and too-big boots. It's only 27* right now (!), so this mama put extra socks on every foot and the hoods went over their hats.

I was supposed to be heading in my own direction this morning for a routine check-up for Miss Aubrey, but a woman going into labor and needing the doctor means a canceled appointment, and so I am home with just one babe in my care-- and she's sleeping. The only noise in the house is the hum of the dishwasher (we were given a very gently used portable dishwasher last week!) and the typing of these computer keys.


In an hour or so, a daddy and kids will return home hungry and proud of whatever tree it is they found to cut down and bring back to me. I will have cups of hot chocolate and PB&J sandwiches a giant puff oven pancake waiting; the table will be made special with some $-store Christmas napkins. After lunch and naps, we will decorate the tree before Daniel heads out for some evening work commitments.

But for now?

For now I savor the quiet. And because I savor the quiet, I will more fully savor the joyful chaos of a returning houseful!


  1. I'm with you on the quiet - Lauren is sleeping and the two big girls are out playing in the snow.  Christmas music is the only noise here.The chocolate was just the Baker's brand, melted down with the crushed candy canes on top.  It would be fun to experiment with - I'd like to try mixing in dried fruit or nuts or even rice crispies and making crunch bars.  At least there are possibilities.  I contacted the St. Lawrence Chocolates in Potsdam also.  They have several milk-free varieties of dark chocolate.   Nothing peanut free for us, but you could certainly try it out!

  2. You have a dishwasher!  That will be a wonderful help.  Enjoy the quiet.  I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your tree and hopefully seeing it, and all of you, in person in just a few weeks.

  3. Puff oven pancake?  Sounds curious... checked out the link - sounds delicious!  Deliciously easy too!   Can it get any better than that?   I think I would top it with one of my sweet sprinkles!

  4. Can't wait to see a picture of the tree!   We're getting ours on Saturday!  Congrats on the dishwasher; awesome aren't they!

  5. i hung up after talking with you on the phone today and felt very good.  i felt like i had just talked with you the most i have in years. . .which is probably incorrect but the way it was the way i felt.  i thought to myself that i should schedule in times to call and chat more often.and then i remembered that you live down the road.  i'll just plan on stopping by and visiting more often, k? 

  6. Ahhh can't truly appreciate them until you've lived without them, ya know? I feel your relief:)

  7. congrats on the dishwasher=) ours isn't hooked up yet, but i am eagerly awaiting that day!  I just got a chance to read your last few posts, the kids look adorable. I am enjoying reading about your christmas traditions/celebrations so far. it sounds like so much fun!
