Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Today was a Big Deal Weigh-In for Aubrey because it's been over 3 weeks since she was last plopped on our local doctor's scale. Last time we were there, she weighed 8lbs7oz.

This morning as I left the house to bring Aubrey to the appointment, I told Daniel that I was counting on her being up to at least 9lbs3oz, as that would mean she's continued gaining a minimum of 4oz/week.

Screaming, writhing and naked she laid on the scale and I felt my heart skip a very very happy beat when the nurse announced in an exceptionally pleased tone of voice, "I think we can get it to nine pounds, five ounces!"

The doctor was so happy. Really happy. In fact, she called the cardiologist right then just to tell him how wonderfully Aubrey's doing.

We're all pretty pleased with our littlest lady. She is growing and doing well.


  1. I'm smiling reading your post. How very exciting to see the scale moving in an upward fashion!! What an awesome testimony of God's goodness! So glad you could share that with the nurse.
    I'm going to try and email you soon!

  2. Yay!  Go Aubrey!  Thank you, God!

  3. My heart skipped a happy beat, too, when I read this.(And I'll tell ya what, that doctor had better get saved with all of these Christians in her office all these years...!)

  4. You know I thought she looked bigger in those pictures you last posted of her. That is great news! The Lord really is watching over your little lady.

  5. Yay Aubrey!  Keep on a growin' little one.   

  6. Oh, what precious news. Thank you for posting this.

  7. Wonderful News!!  Aubrey is blessed and so are we!  God is Good!  Love,
