Sunday, December 2, 2007

Advent Celebrations

First we decorated cookies...
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then we ate...
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then the kids opened their new pajamas...
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and then they opened their new books.
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Don't you love our stockings on the stair railing? I do.
(It keeps getting cuter the more stockings we add, don't you think?!)
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  1. Looks like fun and I do love the stockings on the stair railing!  For some reason Jackson looks extra grown up to me in these photos (must be his hair!).

  2. Yes, the more stockings you hang the cuter it is!  I think the same thing when we sign a card - the more names the merrier!   Love those pj's!

  3. Hi, I read your blog daily ever since your NICU days. :) I just had to tell you how your blog has and is changing me. When I was looking at your pics tonight I was amazed at how I could feel the love in your family. Sounds silly but I had to share. I have 5 kids and one in heaven. I often times get caught up in not being able to provide the latest  and greatest toys for our kids. But when I read your blog tonight it was like God showing me that my priorities are a little out of order.  I think your children are some of the richest in the world for being brought up in the home you have created. It is amazing and an incredible gift. If it impacts me this much miles away I can just imagine how those near you feel. In a world that seems to be constantly seems you really spend your time doing what is most important. You make me want to be a better mom. Thank you! Heidi

  4. Your home looked cozy and warm, despite it being 8 degrees out?!?!  Phyllis told me that was the high for the day.  Brrrrr....we're just now having some snow flurries here.  I hope some snow sticks.  Have a great day and stay warm!!
    P.S.  How's the blanket holding up?  Any seams coming apart?

  5. Yum, Rum Logs!!! We have two of the same stockings. Growing up, we always hung our stockings on the railing!
    Your kids are so sweet! I can't believe how grown up they look:)

  6. OK- I feel left out. What are rum logs?
    What do you think about all of this gorgeous white stuff? I love it!
    You'll be happy to know that Mr. Molinero taught an entire Sunday School lesson yesterday
    just on the definition of advent and the meaning behind the traditions, etc.

  7. How do you do that? How do you take a page out of Better Homes and Gardens and make it a delightful Christian reality?

  8. Oh how fun!! You guys really do things right. Where do you get stockings like that? I like those kind but can never find them. We always decorated cookies growing up; somehow it always turned into a cookie decorating contest with my parents as the judges. Must be our competitive side. We still do it to this day, although now we have some hurdles and obstacles to face during the time limit- kids and babies. We love it though! Aubrey is looking so grown up. Glad she is doing so well!

  9. What a sweet time for your family & a precious insight into your lives.  And I'm with High Note, Jackson looks so grown up!  I love visiting you here. :)

  10. I have to say that my favorite photo is the eating one where the kids are the only ones at the table!  It's just so true of this stage in life.  How many "family" meals do we actually have everyone sitting down for? 

  11. Those stockings on the railing bring back wonderful memories of Christmas at my Grandparent's.  They look wonderful there.
    And I have to second Heidi's sentiments.  I too have been visiting your blog since Aubrey's birth and I always end up smiling about your loving little family.

  12. I love the advent celebration idea.  I must confess, I need to study more on it.  Your dinning room looks beautiful with your new table!  This is the time of year you will really appreciate having it.  I love the stockings as well.  It is true, the more the merrier!  I miss not having a staircase in this house to hang them from or a fireplace.  In fact, every year I am puzzled at where I should put them.  I haven't gotten them out yet, I am still thinking!

  13. Where did you buy those stockings???  I think everyone is wondering!  I bought some brand new ones this year that I really like.  But, I was originally looking for ones like your picture show.  Also, do you have any more room on your railing for more stockings?!
