Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Simple Busy

I have been busy.

Busy at home, that is. These days (or should I write months?), you probably won't find me most anywhere else-- though I did manage to venture out to W@l-M@rt yesterday for a few hours.

We've been baking Christmas cookies and, miraculously, have yet to fall behind the consumption rate. (Maybe it's because I'm not eating them??? )

Inspired by this, I've been firming up some basic disciplines. I'm not terrible in the housekeeping department, but I am definitely weak when it comes to diligence in routines and processes that lead to peace and joy in the home. For example, I have been more purposeful of late regarding my morning routine-- what several things I want to do every morning in the same order-- and it is helping me wake up feeling less overwhelmed by the multitude of things that seem to all scream for my attention the minute my feet hit the floor.

I've also been scrambling to recover addresses lost inside my computer that won't turn on (I'm using Daniel's computer right now). And while I know my excuse for Christmas cards sitting on my counter for over a week kind of sounds like, "The dog ate my homework," it really is true! The good news is that I'm making progress-- tonight I finished addressing all but one-- and they will soon be in the mail.

Another small project is putting together a bit of a chore chart for my two biggest kids. The great success with their morning chores has proven that they are very capable of instant and cheerful obedience (wait-- is that redundant?!) when they know in advance that the jobs are required. I enjoy planning and plotting ways to make the jobs simple and enjoyable and fruitful for them, though I can't really believe I'm the one making the charts and not following them.

The other day we picked up a whole bunch of catalogs and booklets about kitchen stuff to help me with my planning. It sent my head spinning and made my "To Do" list about 100 things longer. There is so much to think about that I kind of want to quit before we've even begun.

We're all enjoying the Christmas season. Gabriel sings Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas 24/7. Bronwyn quotes A Charlie Brown Christmas all the time, especially during mealtime. Jackson has added "Trist'as Tree" to his rather limited vocabulary. Daniel checks iTunes regularly to see if the free Christmas download is any good. I light candles every evening. We're reading through the Gospel accounts of Jesus' birth as a family.


But in a simple and wonderful and homey and family and holiday-ish way. Which is the best sort of busy in my book!


  1. I too have been trying to get my morning routine back under control.  I am very encouraged by the homemaking challenge.  And of course, I've been working on this just to lose control again after having a baby right?

  2. hey, I went to Walmart yesterday too. It must have been in the air. and I know what you mean about busy. Even on the days when I never venture further than my living room and kitchen, I"m constantly on the go.  The season just accentuates  the busyness of every day life, don't you think? I mean there's just so many added things: cookies and advent calendars and watering the tree and wrapping and .... 8-) You know.

  3. I loved the Biblical Womanhood site.  I have been getting back into a more strict routine myself.  It seems I do this often.  Am great for a while, slack off, and then have to pull myself up again.  In time, we will have it down better!
    Good luck with all the planning.

  4. Yes, the PJ's do fit! (Actually, Ada is wearing the 12-18 and Maygen the 6-12!) But it works:) Thanks!!

  5. I know you guys are busy, but any thoughts yet in the back of your head for paint/cabinets/appliances etc... for your kitchen?? In answer to your question about Asher sleeping that long, yes I was in checking on him quite frequently before I myself went to bed. At one point, 10 o'clock, when I was heading to bed and went in to check one last time he woke up, caught me in there, stood up, and started smiling and laughing. I thought Oh boy here we go, he's technically been sleeping for 6 hours already and our night is now just beginning! I did get him up then to put jammies on, a night time diaper, and give him his antibiotic. Amazingly he went right back to bed though!! I slept great and so did he.
