Thursday, December 6, 2007

Funky Day Turned Lovely Night

It was just one of those days.

Some of my children were very, very tired all day. And their attitudes were less than stellar as a result. And my patience wore atrociously thin.


Daniel returned home safely from a day at work-- I hope I never take such things for granted. We have shared a lovely dinner, stories from our days, and the training of children.

And then Mom stopped in. She brought a basket full of things-- much more than just the muffins she'd told me earlier she would be bringing.

When I emptied the basket just now, I found all sorts of goodies that made me smile and feel happy inside. I hope I'm like my mom when I grow up because she is simply one of best people I know.

Daniel cleaned up from dinner, including vacuuming. (I know, he's the greatest.)

We are all tucked inside our home that is warm and beautiful. The children are in bed. My daily To Do list has 7 out of 10 things crossed off it, which is altogether remarkable for me these days. My cupboards are full, including such frivolities as dairy-free chocolate and baked goodies for my sweeties.

It is indeed a lovely, lovely night.

A picture of the gifts from Mom:
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holiday napkins, a "stocking" spoon rest, a little wooden basket with earrings inside it, crystallized ginger, and a little jar of red cinnamon candies-- all tucked in there along with the pumpkin muffins that will undoubtedly make a yummy breakfast for us in the morning


  1. What a nice Mommy! Your mom really is an amazing woman.  :)

  2. I'm glad you night turned out to be so special!! What a nice gift baket! Yum, pumpkin muffins.

  3. One of the things I love about your mom is that she reminds me of my own, who went to be with Jesus in 2000.  They truly are treasures, and we are so very blessed!  I pray you have many, many years to enjoy her earthly company. :)

  4. How nice... Kind of like an early stocking.  (Stockings are my favorite!)
