Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm in a food snob mood.

Not familiar with this mood? Well, let me explain.

This mood involves, but is not limited to:

Getting annoyed with cooking on a budget. Thinking it obnoxious that I can't just buy every fresh herb that would make the dish a million times tastier. Annoyed with not following a recipe exactly as it's written. Wanting to try new things and wanting it be able to take all day, if need be. Not wanting to search for recipes based on the two most familiar criteria: low-cost and quick.

To combat my mood, I'm tallying up why I might as well stick with what I do and get over this "mood."

1. If I cook it, I'll eat it. And I'll "blow up like my Aunt Roberta," to quote a funny movie. (For the record, I don't have an Aunt Roberta.)
2. If I continue making black beans and chicken rice soup rather than the delicious looking recipes in this cookbook that sits on my shelf, I'll continue having money to spend on other much more worthwhile things.
3. I would quickly get tired of the new recipes, just as I get tired of anything I've done for a while.
4. My kids probably like the simple, familiar foods much better than they would the fancier, gourmet dishes.
5. There are more important things in life than what I get to eat.
6. I get to eat things that are a lot tastier and much more expensive than the majority of my counterparts around the world.

So, now that I've got that out of my system, here's a home video, rather hot off the press. This is an original composition, which is why Bronwyn's having a hard time following along. (Please excuse Bronwyn's hair not yet being done and Gabriel's hair so desperately in need of a haircut that he's beginning to sport a mullet.)


  1. Very cute. And I can understand your frustrations with cooking...I have one cookbook in particular that kind of baffles me. It's called "Get Real Meals" and is supposed to be full of realistic recipes, but then calls for things like fennel and shiitake mushrooms, among other things. I definitely don't keep those items in stock. It sort of helps me that Tim honestly doesn't care what he eats for dinner most I almost feel like I am wasting my time if I try out unusual recipes that require a lot of effort. Tonight, we get chicken noodle soup :).

  2. That is so cute!! 
    As for the whole "food snob" thing... I, too, can relate.  Wouldnt it be wonderful if for just a week, or better yet a month, there was no "budget" to have to stick with!?  That would be fun and tastey!  (Oh and the other "dream" would be the possibility of cooking an entire dinner without interruptions... You know, babies at your knees, crys from the living room... that kind of thing!)  

  3. Great worship song!  Wish I could be there to experience it in person.
    Mom P

  4. Very Cool!  I too can identify with the frustration of wanting just the right ingredients. 

  5. Loved the video!!  Miss you all so much!  =)

  6. as usual, kayla wanted to see the movie over and over and over again!  :)  then she decided to create a tune of her own!  lol!  trying to download it now... maybe you can see her rendition - though, she took a craft book and made up a song to follow along with every page.  silly girl!  :)
