Friday, January 19, 2007

Left the house yesterday morning at 9:45am, kids in tow. Two of them were dropped off to spend the morning with my brothers and sisters, one came with me. At 5:30pm I trudged in the door, bags bulging with things like light bulbs, bananas, heart-shaped sprinkles, and one detailed list of things at Home Depot that need to be purchased for 57 Market St.

Made a quick meal for the family and washed dishes. E-mailed aforementioned list to a handy and hard-working deacon in our church. Wrote a quick note to accompany a small gift purchased for a friend who is moving away from the area.

7:00pm and I'm about to walk out the door again, this time with no kids. One pick-up-blitz and 3 small pairs of pajamas later, I feel somewhat confident that I can leave without things being in total disarray.

Are you sure you're okay? I ask.

I'm sure, he says, with the smile that implies how funny he thinks my obvious--and perhaps misplaced--concern is. We'll have a great evening!

I was off again, to return again in a couple hours after some coffee, conversation, and a farewell. This I did and promptly fell into bed, wondering when it was that my internal clock decided 10pm was late.

But just before my eyes closed and I surrendered to the bliss of sleep, my youngest decided he needed to wake up. Daniel thinks it was because he's teething; I think it's because he missed me.

And all I was wishing was that the others would wake up, too, so I could talk with them for a few minutes. I hadn't seen them much all day, and I was missing them.

There are lots of days when staying home seems like nothing but monotony. Picking out 4 outfits and slicing 3 bananas, reading a billion stories aloud and doing even more loads of laundry, washing dishes and sauteeing veggies, scrubbing toilets and playing Memory, changing diapers and brushing multiple sets of teeth, doesn't seem like greatness, that's for sure. But I really do love it. And I really do miss it when I don't get to do it all--even for just one day.

Besides, to my kids it sure is great.


  1. Being a Mom... there truly is nothing in the world that can compare and be as fulfilling for a woman.  Women spend their entire lives searching and striving always onward and upward in the world trying to achieve this satisfaction all the while leaving their children with some one else.  I am so grateful that the Lord opened my eyes before I was too far up the ladder to want to come back down!   Great post!!!
    As for yesterday... I did drive by yours but your house looked quite barren...  lol.  Usually you can see lights on inside and there didnt appear to be any then.  Likely because, as you said, you werent there!  I will remember the open invite and really hope you will do the same.  For the same reason, I really prefer the no-pressure-glad-to-see-you welcome of an impromptu visit over the planned ones. 
    Oh, I deleted the comment with your number but did make sure I had it correct...  Didnt want some weirdo to get it and start calling you! 

  2. I agree!

    When Matthew was little like Gabriel, he would only come into bed with us at night when he hadn't gotten to see much of his dad. So he would get that time at night. After a little while we'd put him back and he was happy. The baby probably was missing you!

  3. Ah!  Now that you mention it, that WAS a protected post so it was a bit more safe.  (I forget myself sometimes!)

  4. hey thanks for all of the details on the little workbench. we'll probably get that for him, especially because we don't have very many good ideas=) he already has so many new things from christmas!! i mentioned some new pjs to micah and he was horrified that we would start giving clothing at such a young age, lol. we have a lot going on in the next two months=) two "birth"days to celebrate, a superbowl party, an anniversary, possbily a brother coming home from iraq etc...but they are all very exciting things to look forward to!

  5. Oh! the joy of remembering my days of mothering.  They were wonderful days and when they are gone...they are really gone and one can only reflect of the wonder of them and I often wish I could remember more of the days that seemed so much the same.  but were really extra, extra special  Enjoy the Process.  I tried to e-mail Daniel but it keeps going back to our old server and won't mail anything else out.  Yes, I am interested in the big project and want more info.  Thanks, Love You All

  6. When Rick and I go out, the boys usually don't even go to bed. Jonathan likes to see us before he goes to bed and prefers to be tucked in by dad. i'm sure jack missed you...pretty cute. but i know what it is like to be just about surrendering the the bliss of sleep. :) 

  7. There's no doubt in my mind...what you're doing is nothing short of greatness.  All because it's the perfect will of God for you.  Nothing in the world could be better.
    And, I won't lie.  I hope God's will for me includes some of what you're doing now. ;)

  8. When Carina and I were cut short on our trip to Montreal we were both disappointed, yet thankful for the time we had. I blurted out what my heart was really thinking..."At least now I'll get to go home and be with the kids!" Her response- (smiling and rolling her eyes) "Yeah, because it's not like you're with them ALL the time!!!" We laughed so hard! I can't help it- He just keeps revealing all the exciting and precious times I have in Eric and the kids. I've been told millions (if not billions) of times that they are fleeting. I don't want to blink and miss but even one.
    But, why is it that if Carina called and wanted to go up tomorrow I'd be so right there!? :~)

  9. thanks. i have been writing more. a lot more than usual. =)
