Friday, January 5, 2007

I am very blessed.

Jackson and I took a roadtrip yesterday with my mom and sister (and cousin/nephew). Our main objective was depositing her at the airport, which we did. Of course, the day wouldn't have been complete without some shopping, which we also did. (Boy, did we shop. If only you could have seen the 5 of us returning home in the mini-van, wedged between the 7 area rugs that were purchased for the College Life Center and Carina's salon!)

It was a lot of fun.

The best part--more than good buys and completed shopping lists--was returning home to a house free of clutter, dirty dishes, and/or stress. Gabriel and Bronwyn were fast asleep. The floors had been recently vacuumed. A special visitor had taken residency in our guest room.

People joke about Daniel winning "Husband of the Year Award," but I think their joking is half-sincere. At least I think it should be. He really does know how to bless me.

In parting, here's an overdue video clip from Christmas Day:


  1. "Carina's Salon"
    Was a decision made?

  2. heeyyyyy you've got our/my snow!!!! (I'm looking at the profile pic) usually by this time, we're 'six feet under'... the back yard rinks are made, ski hills are packed and the hearth is hidden behind mounds of drying winter clothes & boots...  it's been raining nonstop for days and the thermometer has gone up to 15 degrees... unheard of for southern ontario... you're welcome to send your snow our way...

  3. Jackson is so precious and what a delight to see him on video.  Thanks!

  4. i'm convinced he is the sweetest boy ever.

  5. Ally is most interested in the toy on the front on the car.  Especially the gear shifter type thing.  We're hoping she'll take an interest in pushing it soon!!  Hope you have a wonderful day!

  6. You came all the way to Syracuse and you didn't visit?  Hmmmm.  Too focused on shopping I guess.

  7. Hey Brietta! I'd love to come for a visit or meet you in Canton one of these days. Just let me know!
    I'm absolutely floored that this is the same baby I saw over the summer. So big!
