Sunday, January 28, 2007

I've decided to enable Xanga Lock.

So if you want to read, I guess you'll have to be a "Friend."

I sent invitations to many of you. If you are subscribed to me, you should still get the e-mail digest; if you want commenting privileges, just ask to be my friend.


  1. Thanks for the add, Brietta.  I'm always so encouraged by what I find here, that I don't want to miss it. :) 

  2. Thanks for inviting me.  I truly enjoy reading your posts and receiving your comments back!!! 

  3. just out of curiosity... why'd you decide to do this?

  4. Brietta,

    I totally know what you are talking about with the whole, "Couch cushions moving thing and its wicked annoying." lol. Whenever I have company they move all the time and not to mention when I try and cover them myself the cover would go every which way. Or if I put a blanket draped on the back always gets pulled off or mussed up. So I made Keith realize that buying these covers will be saving more money than buying a whole new couch. Then we wont have to throw away our "couch chair," I call it that because it isn't a recliner and it isn't a wingback chair. Plus the color on it is a couple shades or browns and beiges. So the living room is red and it would be kinda cool to match that.
    So anyway about the house. We got it inspected on Saturday in the morning. So now we know there are some fix-ups to be done. They aren't as numerous as what we could have had with some of the other homes we saw but there are some. Just things that can enhance the place and will make it safer as well. Such as the basement should be redone because there is a bit of a water problem. That would be like $2,000 to get it all done with the sump pumps and everything. The sump pumps weren't done to the best they could have been. So it is very exciting for us to have this on our plate right now. I keep hearing words from people from the Lord saying good things. I am quite happy with that. My pastors wife actually came up to me and said that she has had us in prayer for a few days and that God wanted me to know, "Good things are coming." I am happy about that. Sometimes I don't believe that God could give words to people for others and today I was proved wrong again. I am glad I get proved wrong, especially about God.
    It was good hearing from you! Keep in touch.

    God Bless:

  5. thanks for inviting me to be a friend. i didn't know you had to do that if you locked it down. did something happen? or just a random decision? thanks for leaving the results to your candy heart on my xanga. that is just cool. so thanks for letting me in. :) i feel privileged.  thanks for being a good mom and thanks for being real. i truly appreciate you! 

  6. Thanks for the invite.  I sure would miss your posts if I couldn't just click on them.  Sorry to hear things are yucky at your house.  Hope all is well soon. 
