Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Gabriel has recently turned a corner in his ability to play. Now, this might sound a little ridiculous since we all assume children play, but the assumption simply isn't true, I think particularly for the oldest child in any home. (They don't have the benefit of older siblings teaching them how to play and rely solely on Mom for such inspiration--which they can become sadly dependent upon, I have found.)

The unfortunate aspect of Gabriel's newly found imagination is the absolute mess he makes while playing. There is no longer a nicely set-up (thanks to Mom) Little People town; rather, every toy and book and throw pillow is used as part of the re-enactment of the story of Jericho. While trying to calmly eat my breakfast, I choke because there is suddenly an entire little kitchen set being hurled off the futon in the family room as the "walls" fall down.

Still, I'll take the mess and the chaos if it means my son is finally able to entertain himself (at something other than playing drums, that is) and is teaching his little sister how to play along with him.

* * * * *

I don't like being dirty. I never have.

Gentian Violet makes me feel that the whole house is a disaster waiting to erupt. I jump a mile when Jackson looks as though he is going to drool on the couch. My heart stops beating just before Jackson is done nursing. I sleep restlessly due to fear that I will wake to purple stains on my bedding. (Sorry, when you've only been married 5 years, you still don't have sheets you don't care about getting stained.)

This would be one of those situations when the cure almost seems worse than the disease.


* * * * *

Ask her: I've never been the spontaneous sort. And this is why I am convinced my missing the ability to be spontaneous due to motherhood is simply selfishness at its highest. I mean, I never wanted to go out at midnight just to walk down Market Street before having children, so why do I suddenly crave such an outing? I feel like the little kid who only wants the toy because he can't have it.

You know the kind of kid I mean.

(If you're a mom, chances are your own children have had moments of being "that kind of kid.")

* * * * *

Last night Daniel was setting up his computer in bed to finish watching a DVD. I was planning on going to sleep and got to bed first.

According to Daniel, about 2 minutes into the DVD he turned to ask me if the noise and light was going to bother me. I was already asleep.

This confirms two things I've known about myself: 1. I can sleep anytime anywhere through anything, and 2. I really don't like watching movies that much.


  1. My oldest was just the opposite, he never liked me to play with him. He has always had an engineering brain and since he was old enough to sit and stack things, I was only in the way. He had a picture in his head of what he was trying to accomplish/build and he had no problem in letting me know I was messing it up. So glad to hear of Gabriel's "breakthrough" though.
    Do you have some old towels (or can you get some from your mom's) or dark beach towels? You could put them under Jackson to catch any drools and under you to keep your sheets from getting stained. Just an idea...
    I think there is probably a certain peacefulness and solitude in walking down Market Street at midnight that would be appealing to most moms of little ones. Even the most non-spontaneous person can change. (Or, as in my case, I am still hoping that my more spontaneous personality can change into one that craves an orderly, scheduled day.)
    I really do enjoy your posts. First, they remind me of the joys, and sometimes not so joys, of having little ones. Second, I see much of my young mom self in you. (And sometimes some of my old mom self too!) Have a wonderful day!

  2. Austin was a bit like your Gabriel but did learn pretty quickly also to play by himself.  Now that Ashlyn is old enough to play, he does very well in helping her and playing with her.  They have so much more fun together than I think Austin did with me! LOL!
    (I cant stand being dirty or wet! I totally sympathize!)
    RYC:  Interesting little tool there!  Funny thing...  I wear rubber gloves and just roll it between my fingers and it comes right off -never knew there was a tool for that!  I really love garlic and am wondering if it had gotten "old".  How do you store yours too?  Mine has been on the counter...  I think I may try using 1/2 and 1/2 for a while to switch over. 
    About tomorrow -dont worry if you cant come!  I just know that I needed to do it and who knows what will come of it.  Just know that the door is always open.  (And no one will be asked to leave at 4:00!)

  3. Amen to the stained sheets paranoia! Two days ago I stubbed my toe in an early-morning crying-kid run. A few minutes later I was back asleep in my bed. I didn't discover till later (when I got up) that my toe had been bleeding, and yes, the sheets are now stained... UGH! I griped about it in frustration to Dan, and his response was "what's the big deal? They're just sheets- who cares?" *sigh* They just don't get it.

  4. understand the sheets thing. is that gentian violet for thrush? and UGH!!! no baby yet...I wish!!!  oh...the story of the walls falling made me was pretty funny, but i also think my heart would skip a beat. jonathan has always been pretty good at entertaining himself ...sometimes i wonder if i let it happen too often?... i thought matthew might have a hard time in that dept, but it turns out he's doing just fine and the two of them play nicely together as well. yea. :) 

  5. ryc~ My first thought was "Hey, do you need someplace to go during the meeting?  You could come over here!"  Then I was reminded (by the screaming little girl next to me who wont sit on her bottom because it is so sore) that wouldnt work anyway...
    Yes... Hopefully next week!!!  
