Saturday, January 27, 2007

Today's Household News Update:

:: Gabriel spent the latter half of the night throwing up. This is the first time he's had the stomach bug and been old enough/in control of his reflexes enough to be able to restrain from vomiting, which I must tell you did not help any of us get any sleep since it just meant that every 15 minutes or so he was gagging and choking down vomit while Daniel and/or I tried to convince him to just let it up.

Fortunately, it has been almost 3 hours since he last vomited and so far none of the rest of us have followed suit. My close calls during the night were simply a result of my low tolerance of the smells associated with cleaning up.

:: Jackson ate his first Cheerios with milk today. I like to wait until around the 1st birthday to introduce much dairy to my children (other than what might be baked into a cake, bread, etc.), since there is evidence that waiting can, in most cases, reduce the likelihood of allergies related to a particular food.

[The earlier and more often
a food is ingested, the greater likelihood it has of becoming an allergen.
Babies tend to be most allergic to the foods they have been offered first.
While a baby is exclusively breastfed, he is only exposed to the foods
his mother eats and secretes in her milk, so his exposure to potential
allergens is minimized.

He loved it.

:: The initial kitchenette install at 57 Market St is taking place this morning. I am so excited that things continue to progress forward there! Daniel is also hoping to get a look at a couch and loveseat that have been potentially donated to us to ascertain their condition. If they seem as though they have some years of wear left to them, and we'll order slipcovers for them ASAP and move them into the building.

:: While helping me fold laundry, Bronwyn asked me if I was going to fold Daddy's "box-its."

:: It is snowing the perfect snow right now. Light, fluffy flakes whirling in the air before landing on the already-snow-covered ground. I love it. And, yes, this is probably in large part because I don't have to go out in it.

But I don't. So I love it.

:: Jackson figured out some time ago where I store the cereal and crackers. Recently, he's figured out how to pull out the box of whatever looks good to him at the moment and help himself to the contents. My solution to this ever-messy and poor-diet problem? Purchasing cupboard latches.

The only problem with my brilliant plan is that Daniel's drill broke a couple months ago.

:: The thrush problems continue, though my Gentian Violet usage had to end. A friend has kindly mailed me some coconut oil, as well as some accompanying recipes, and I am very hopeful that boosting my overall health will aid in conquering my perpetual thrush battles.

Thrush has been, for me, the only downside to breastfeeding.


  1. I sent the corn chowder with Deb for her to drop on your porch. The plan- a loaf of warm multi-grain bread to go with the soup. The outcome- me staying up with company who decided (along with my husband) they wanted a full-out dinner at 11:30 pm, and toddlers waking all during the night finally to get up for good at 6 am and one tired, worn-out me who had no time this morning to even brush my teeth let alone bake bread! But why am I telling you? You totally understand!  

  2. How fantastic to hear a mom who has educated herself about food allergies! I've learned so much through our struggles with Alyssa's diet over the last 3 years (even what I ate while I was nursing her). I very rarely hear of mothers who have done their homework and restrict the top-8 allergins until the child is over one year. Kudos to you!

  3. I hope and will be praying for your family that no one else gets "it".  This is not a fun bug to be working through...
    Austin was allergic to milk for a long while and though he seems to have outgrown it now, I am convinced it was bc of how early he was introduced to cows milk (much to my frustration...). 
    Thrush...  I had this with Ashlyn.  You may have already tried this but thought I would pop it out there...  Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast.  The best thing to fight yeast is probiotics.  I ate yogurt like crazy and that helped to slow it for me.  The thing that finally knocked it out was Keifer.  Not sure if you have tried it yet?  You can buy it at the co-op in the milk case.  One glass of that is like eating a whole carton of yogurt without all the sugar.  Might be worth a try along with the coconut oil which will help heal your skin faster...?

  4. I make my own keifer too but I tend to forget it and it ends up being way too strong.  1 TBSP ends up being a full serving instead of 1 cup!  I end up buying some anyway until mine is back to normal.  And in my opinion, the store bought stuff tastes better even though it doesnt have quite as much of the good bacteria in it.  Still a ton more than plain yogurt! 
    Yuck... I SO know what you are dealing with.  Ashlyn fell asleep in my arms at 11:30 this morning (she never falls asleep in my arms anymore at all let alone that early!) and is still asleep now.  Have a feeling she didnt really have it yet...  Will pray for you guys!!

  5. hey, just an FYI: if you go to there are some good tips for fighting thrush. good luck!!

  6. Brietta,
    I think we are going to use the couch covers for our sofa. We have a nice comfy couch but the problem is that the covers that are on there are getting so dirty and now there are some small holes forming. Thanks for putting that web site for them up, that was very helpful.

    Andrea Josephs
