Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Montreal Fun

I mentioned about a week ago that Daniel and I were making plans to get away. I also noted at that time that it would be our first get-away in almost 5 years. Someone later asked me how that's possible when we've not even been married 6 years.

I'm not sure. But it is.

(And, trust me, I would include a get-away with just a nursing baby if there had been such a thing.)

Honestly, the last time Daniel and I went somewhere just to be together (read: no playing guitar or standing with the groom in a wedding, attending a funeral, or visiting with family) was for an early 1-year anniversary celebration in September 2002 when I was pregnant with Gabriel (we were celebrating early because of Hellstop and, for those of you from here, that says enough about how our actual anniversary was spent!).

At any rate, we really did get away! And it really was wonderful.

We left Monday morning and stayed here that night. After checking into the hotel and dropping off our suitcase, we found an amazing street full of shopping, cafes, bookstores, and coffee shops. Since it was already around 1pm, we decided that locating a fun place where we could get salads and share a sandwich was top priority. And we were not disappointed:

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You can't really see all the flower boxes lining the second-floor awning-covered porch we ate on (I'm blocking everything from view these days!), but it was beautiful-- and the whole street was packed with such wonderful places to eat.

The meal was followed by, well, what else?-- shopping, of course! I've had gift cards burning holes in my wallet (living in a rural area forces one to save up!) and there were so many interesting and new places to check out. We stopped in one particularly cute bookstore only to realize that almost all the books were written in French so, after enjoying the atmosphere for a few minutes, we left empty-handed.

It was still fun.

Both that evening and the next day we walked the 20 minutes to Old Montreal, passing by this:

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I know, I know... I cut Victoria's head off...

and this:
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Something that actually makes me look small!

Old Montreal is a blast. It's full of outdoor eating like this:
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and this street full of fun shops stretches on quite a ways:
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Monday night, we walked the distance to Old Montreal and found what looked to be the perfect place to eat dinner. But I felt wretched and after a minute of sitting (I don't think we'd even gotten our water yet), I told Daniel I thought I might throw up. Needless to say, we went back to the hotel where I laid in bed and fell asleep while Daniel ate McDonald's (I felt too sick to care what exactly he was ingesting, though I was appalled the next morning) and watched baseball.

It was still fun, simply because I could lay there and go to bed early without having to worry about putting a single little person to bed. On top of that, the room had a queen-sized bed, which meant I could sprawl to my heart's content. *deep sigh*

The next morning, we slept in. You know... until 7:08am or so. (Sorry, Josh, I don't know what's wrong with me these days!) And since I was feeling great, we walked back down to Old Montreal and strolled along the St. Lawrence. We found a great little place to eat at that specialized in crepes. Yum.

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I ordered a crepe filled with asparagus and covered with a white sauce and toasted pine nuts while Daniel had some sort of seafood crepe. And then we shared a cream and chocolate crepe-- which might be my new favorite dessert!

It was all so wonderful! We walked and walked (until I had blisters on blisters!) and talked and talked. The sight-seeing and shopping and eating was all extra on top of those things.

In fact, it was so wonderful, I think we'll try to get away again-- maybe even sooner than 5 years from now!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful time. Tim and I have only ever gone away once (when visiting wasn't involved), for our first anniversary. Maybe I should mention the idea to him ;).

  2. I'm so glad you guys got away. The pictures are so much fun and you look great! Thanks for the heads up on Music Man, I think we just might have to check that out. My next appointment is August 7th and I have no plans afterwards if you're free. Hope you're feeling good!

  3. wow, that's so great. time away after kids is just (too bad we don't appreciate it before we have kids!!)

  4. i just checked your comment to see the dates for Music Man and realized you'll be out of town the 7th. :)
    Can we blame it on 'pregnancy brain'? I guess we'll try for when you get back! :)

  5. Early labor activities are seemingly endless.  You know the biggest theme among mine, though are that I'm trying to get the house looking clean and the older child (ren) ready for time away.  I spend time in-between contractions vacuuming, folding laundry, packing overnight bag etc.  What will I do if I ever have a baby that comes quickly?
    I love seeing the photos and hearing about Montreal.  It sounds wonderful!  I'm so glad that you got to get away before life gets even busier with one more little person!

  6. Sounds lovely...

    Joe and the kids and I had such a great time on vacation, but on the way home we did say that someday soon it would be nice to get away without them! (We did get away about 3 years ago, but I think it's time again!)

  7. Oh my! Sounds so nice. Tim and I haven't been away since our first anniversary. I was pregnant with Erin at the time. Time away without kids....hmmm...sounds wonderful:)
    Glad to see you had such a great time. I'm glad you were able to enjoy each other as a "couple" for a change! You know, not as mommy or daddy!

  8. You two are so makes me think about getting away...with Danny...not seperately which tends to be the trend. And thanks for your email. I haven't been feeling great all weekend, but I wanted to let you know I read it, and I think I'll follow your advice. I've talked to a number of others and most of them agree with your recomendation. Again, thanks for the help.

  9. Sounds, and looks, like a wonderful time was had by you both. (Except the upset stomach, that is.) What a great thing, getting away with your hubby. We have some dear friends who were married a few weeks before us, we girls swapped bride/maid of honor roles, and we took a trip to Toronto for our tenth anniversary. We had such a blast doing things together, and separately, and swore we would repeat the getaway every five years. Well, we have just celebrated 20 years and have yet to do it again. I think the last time I spent time away with my hubby was when I flew out here to look at houses and I don't think that really counts. We really need to make a point of doing that again, and soon.

  10. Now I'm even more excited about my upcoming trip to NY-
    But next time you go, silly, please call me so I can give you the address of the ABSOLUTE BEST PLACE IN MONTREAL!!! ('tis a crime not to eat there- especially for an anniversary celebration!)
    Glad you had fun-

  11. I'm thrilled to hear that you and Daniel had such a wonderful time!

  12. Sounds like a lot of fun & very relaxing! (If you count shopping as a relaxing activity and I certainly do, haha) Every time I look at your family I am reminded to savor the time that Noah & I have by ourselves because I'm sure once we start having kids we will have to work pretty hard to find time alone again. I don't want to take advantage of what we have now:) Kids are wonderful! Don't get me wrong...but I'm sure you know what I mean:)

  13. Sounds like you had a great time.  I spent yesterday afternoon trying to think of when and where Matt and I could get away to.  But then I think the money would be better spent on a down payment for a house, or furniture to fill this longed for house...sigh.  I know, fun huh?!?!

  14. crepes -- good.  chocolate -- great.  crepes and chocolate together?  incredible.  in fact, i just had one of these wonderful crepes last night.
    oh, and you and daniel are super cute.  i love those pictures.

  15. Love the pictures!  Looks like you had a wonderful time!  What a great idea Dan had so God bless him for thinking of it.  God bless you both and especially bless your marriage.  Love to All  Gram

  16. the pics remind me of my trip to quebec with my mom a long time ago! i am really glad that you got the chance to be alone before number 4 arrives!
