Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Good & Bad

The good news of the day is that I had my 6-month routine prenatal appointment and it was very... well... routine. I gained another 2lbs this month. My belly's measuring 26cm, which was an almost perfect 4cm increase from last visit. I was scheduled for Thursday morning lab work and the standard glucose test, which will be followed by an ultrasound to check on the SCH (subchorionic hematoma) and fetal growth & development. The nurse joked with me that my blood pressure was high and she wanted to know what I was stressed about, since I came in at 96/61 today.

I told her that maybe it's not stress; maybe it's just disappointment. Because there was not-so-good news of the day, too.

You see, about two hours before my appointment, I found out that all flights out of London had been canceled due to the recent terrorism activity and that Daniel and the team was stranded at the Heathrow airport until further notice. Then we found out that they had been rescheduled for a flight leaving tomorrow at 8:30am their time (3:30am our time) and would be arriving in the States at 11:30am (not bad, all things considered)-- but instead of flying into the Montreal airport, which is a 2.5 hour drive from here, they had been put on a flight arriving in Newark, NJ. It's just not as easy to find someone who'll drive 8.5 hours to do an airport pick-up. And even if I felt confident enough to navigate my way down to rescue them all (which I don't), I'm not old enough to drive the church van, which gives us yet another hitch in the plan.

And, no, every car rental company has all clearly communicated to my mom over the phone that they do not allow you to drop-off a vehicle in different location than where you picked it up, so renting transportation isn't an option either.

I'm not really stressed. I know they'll get picked up somehow some way by someone. But I also know that Daniel won't be home tonight and he'll miss yet another 4th of July parade (though I must say that we might, too, based on the weather forcast!). And it's all just a bit disappointing.

All in all, though, the extra travel time will be much harder on the travelers than on me and I have little to complain about. It's not unusual to have both good and bad news in a day, I'm learning. The choice as to what I will meditate on is what makes the difference-- and I've a lot to be thankful for, in all actuality!


  1. I've been praying for Daniel and the team off and on all day today.  I will continue.  I'm excited about the good news about the baby.  I'll be looking forward to the results of Thursday's tests.

  2. It's definitely good news and an answer to prayer that your appointment was routine-like! Sorry to hear you won't get to be with Daniel yet! What a bummer! Sooner than later, though! Love you!

  3. wow. i'll definitely pray for the spain team..and glad to hear more good news about the baby. we'll take routine and boring any day! ;)

  4. ohhh!! bummer! i am so sorry to hear about the delays. i know that is so frustrating!!!

  5. sorry to hear about all this flight mess.  how disappointing.
    so as i was reading this i thought of the fact that you're pregnant with your fourth child but you're still not old enough to drive one of the church vans?!  yeah, that's funny.

  6. I know they are in God's hands. We are thinking and praying for the team! May God bless you and your family!


  7. How about Enterprise? I thought they might let you drop off in a different place. We've always used them. They let us drop off a car in a different place but it was only about 20 minutes away...
