Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's The Little Things

I'm telling you, it's the little things that can make or break me. My prayer of late is that I would not allow my peace, contentment, and happiness to be dictated by the small circumstances of my days; and that I would grow in appreciation of the seemingly insignificant blessings that fill my life.

Some of the things I'm grateful for in the last couple days:

-- Bronwyn using the potty more than she's wet her pants
-- an incredibly pleasant stroll this morning with my 2 boys
-- no more ants in the kitchen
-- watching my sister perform last night
-- awesome summer storms
-- the ceiling fan in my bedroom
-- fresh, hot, homemade biscuits
-- children who rather gladly eat their vegetables
-- ironed bedding that's crisp and cool
-- 3 meals a day shared with Daniel 6 days in a row
-- coconut oil instead of vegetable oil/shortening in baked goods

I've had quite a few less-than-glamorous moments this week. I've had quite a few ambitious and pleasant moments, too. I don't suppose I will ever stop having to learn that true love and joy has nothing to do with feelings or moments and everything to do with Jesus.

Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature
O Thou of God and man the Son
Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor
Thou my soul's glory, joy, and crown

Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands
Robed in the blooming garb of spring
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer
Who makes the woeful heart to sing

Fair is the sunshine, fairer still the moonlight
And all the twinkling starry host
Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer
Than all the angels heaven can boast

Beautiful Savior! Lord of all the nations!
Son of God and Son of man!
Glory and honor, praise, adoration
Now and forevermore be Thine


  1. It was nice seeing you and talking to you! Oh and you are looking very good, for being pregnant and all. You go girl. I mean I hope I wont gain too much this time around. I hope its all belly, no legs, no butt, JUST So it is pretty cool in the College center! Oh and I forgot what are you having, a boy or girl? And have you come up with any names? Well keep on touch and take care of yourself!


  2. that is my prayer too! i think especially this next week of camp, when i start to become overwhelmed by all the little things i will make a list of the good things as a reminder of God's faithfulness!

  3. I can relate to the ceiling fan in the bedroom...such a little thing that makes a world of difference!  Glad to hear all is going well.  Looking forward to seeing you guys in August!

  4. I really love that song....I do miss hymns at times. 
    Are you avoiding the vegetable oils now?  We're trying to only use the coconut, palm or extra virgin olive oil.  I guess you've used up the coconut oil, did you find some locally?  They also have an oil that is pressed in such a way that it has no flavor, so everything doesn't have to taste like coconut if you don't want it to.  My throat business, the dr gave me a medical digest thing on it, and one of the remedies was the type of oil that coconut oil is!  I think it was called a medium chain trigliceride, but I'm not sure right now.  I'll have to give more details about what he said Thursday on my blog, but the short of it is that to fix my problem is more dangerous than letting it go.  I'm not worried, but I think the dr was....  
