Friday, July 20, 2007


Have I mentioned how fun it is for me to be planning and making meals again?

Or how much I wish wonderful farmer's market produce was available year-round?

If I haven't, well, I'm doing so now!

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Tonight's menu: spinach & egg casserole, fresh salad (all from small gardens), and vanilla yogurt with berries.

One word: Yum!

P.S.  I wish you could all see Bronwyn popping grape tomatoes like most kids eat Skittles. It cracks me up!


  1. so I'm not the only one who takes pictures of my dinner!

  2. Mmm! That looks delicious! You have beautiful plates, too.  :)  Is there any chance that I could get your spinach & egg casserole recipe?

  3. oh, i miss baby b. i feel like she's already grown into kid-hood since i left.

  4. Can I come? Soon, I hope. Once this craziness comes to an end!

  5. oh yum! fruit and yogurt is absolutely one of my favorite things!!! esp during the summer! has bronwyn always liked grape tomatoes?

  6. Joy loves tomatoes too! She's always craved them, I thought she was the only one!  This weekend she was asking for garlic, this deli we go to sometimes has them with oil and some spice and she ate like 5 of them.  It kept her from getting mosquito bites the next day when we were out all day at a friends house....  
