Sunday, July 15, 2007

18 Months

I just feel as though I should note that my littlest man is 18 months today.

I'm not sure why this feels like such a milestone, except that I hardly know where the last year and a half has gone. The moment he was delivered is still as fresh in my mind and emotions as ever, perhaps because it still stands as the moment of greatest relief and rejoicing in my life.

Here is a picture of my sweet, sweet boy:

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  1. he's so sweet.  and so big.  when did that happen?!

  2. He's so cute! Wow, he's gotten so big:)

  3. He was so big when we got to see him! It is so great how they grow but its also, in a way, sad too. I can't wait to see what my other kids will look like, your seem to look so different almost. But I know there are similarities as well. Being mom you can see them all, I am sure. Well congrats on the 18 months, I thought I would say that because no one ever does. lol. Have a great day!

