Thursday, July 19, 2007


It's here!

The clothes inside smell funky, in spite of Daniel's best attempts at coming home with everything freshly laundered. I guess 2 weeks lost within the airline's luggage system will do that to anything.

More importantly, it came with every thing intact!

And it came bearing gifts. Some very nice ones. Like a book with puzzle-illustrations that the kids have been taking turns putting together all afternoon.

My favorites are the ones bought just for me. It's not so much what they are (though they're very cool; thanks, Julia and Liana!) as it is the knowing that Daniel was thinking of me lots the whole time he was gone.

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A bag, a print (I wish you could touch the textures!), a hair band, and new sandals. Yay!

Not pictured is the Spanish olive oil Daniel bought me that the airline confiscated, claiming it to be a "flammable material." This is disappointing, since Spanish olive oil makes the absolute best salad dressing ever, though not entirely surprising considering the many restrictions these days...


  1. yay for presents and long-lost luggage!

  2. bummer about  the spanish olive oil. did they give him back $ for that? just wondering... beautiful presents! and happy happy luggage! yay!!!:)

  3. How exciting and surprising that everything made it back!  I noticed that tomorrow will bring you to 30 weeks in your pregnancy.  God is faithful!

    So glad the luggage was returned to you- with everything "in tact" as you wrote.
    Have a great day-
    P.S. When are you going away? How exciting!

  5. Great stuff - I especially love the bag!

  6. I just read your post about Bronwyn and the character undies. Too, too cute.
    You are I are a lot alike, I'm afraid! Good for you that you let her choose the treat.

  7. Almost 30 weeks? Are you kidding me?

  8. Really neat gifts! And I'm going to agree with the above comments, "30 weeks!!!". Way to go. God is good:)
    Where are you and Daniel going for your 2-day vacation? How fun. I know you must be so looking forward to that!!!

  9. Yeah for luggage!  I have to say, I am very impressed with your gifts as well.  Did Daniel have to try really hard to think of such wonderful things he knew you would love?  I know mine would do the same but it would take a ton of effort -though he would enjoy it as well! 
    I keep forgetting that you are exactly 6 weeks ahead of me.  This baby of yours is just one more (of many) reminders that God is the one in control and when He so chooses, "modern" medicine cant even come close to His love, mercy and grace.  Cheering on these last 10 weeks!!!   

  10. Yippie for lost luggage that is found!  Now you won't have to do laundry every day (just every other 'cause you have toddlers-haha!)

  11. So glad Daniel's things returned safely. What a guy for bringing you such great stuff! Love it.
    Sorry to hear that you won't make it to the shower, but glad you're getting a good vacation in before baby #4 arives. My next appointment is this coming Tuesday. My sister, Gina, will be with me. The following appt. will be two weeks later and I'll be all by myself. Just let me know what you've got going on. I'd love to see your growing belly! (And of course yourself and all your kiddos) ;)

  12. You're right. I do have a laid back baby!!! :) I am so happy you are at 30 wks and continuing to grow. woo hoo!!! God really IS so good!
