Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Quick Update

:: They've landed! None of their luggage arrived with them (surprise, surprise), but they are all State-side. And hopefully their bags will follow close behind. I expect that Daniel will be home somewhere around 9pm.

:: The guy who drew my blood today was new and apologetic, which is the only reason I'm not more annoyed that my vein is swollen and bruised and my entire right arm aches. I expect that sometime this evening or tomorrow, I'll have results from the glucose and antibodies screening, as well as an updated blood count.

:: My ultrasound this morning showed a disappointingly present and persistent blood clot, but it's moved further away from the placenta, which is always good. I don't know the measurements on it since I've not spoken with my doctor yet. Our baby girl (checked again, of course!) seems to be doing very, very well. She came in at an estimated 2lbs6oz, putting her in the 55th%, and she measured almost exactly according to her due date. For the first time ever at this point in a pregnancy, I have a baby in a definite breech presentation, which could explain why I feel like I'm carrying so much higher and have struggled so much more with heartburn and indigestion. It also explains my huge belly a bit, since I'm accustomed to having babies settle quite low and snug pretty early on, giving them more room to get big without bothering me! No worries about the presentation, of course-- it's still very early in the pregnancy.

:: The kids and I will be making the 1/3 of a mile trek to our little yellow house this evening. I've really enjoyed spending the last 3 weeks with my parents, but I'm also feeling ready to crawl into my own bed again. I shouldn't look forward to being home too much, though, since we leave tomorrow morning for an out-of-town rehearsal and wedding that Daniel is leading worship at!


  1. i felt so bad when i heard about a thursday flight home. so much for daniel having a breather between events!

  2. Oh I feel bad for you guys! Always gotta be on the move. Crazy! So I am glad that the baby seems to be doing well even with the blood clot. Hopefully all will continue to go great, I am sure it will!


  3. I'm so thankful that the team is safe and on their way home (or maybe even home now?)  I bet it'll be nice for all of you to get back into your own routine. How are you feeling?

  4. hey! haven't ignored/forgotten about you. I've actuallyl been meaning to email, but regretfully just have not had the time. I love the pictures of your cute and beautiful and ever growing belly, and the pictures of your children enjoying summer and the outdoors. they are precious and beautiful!!! Thanks for taking the time to share about all your moments. I really do look fwd to seeing you at some pt soon and it is nice to know things are looking up for you and your baby! :) Also glad Daniel is making it home tonight. Sorry you have to leave so quickly. Hope you have a wonderful time.   

  5. It's good news that your little girl is still thriving. I agree that the presentation does seem to make a difference in heartburn/indigestion...mine was really bad with Caedmon, who never moved from the breech position. I also got a lot of rib pain toward the end, but you have plenty of time for a position change before that would happen, I think. I am happy for you that Daniel is finally home, even if you are on the road...I really can't imagine how you manage three weeks apart, particularly with 3 little ones and another on the way. What a blessing and a relief for that time to finished.

  6. deja vu.  or however you spell that.  daniel and his crazy schedule.  didn't you guys do something like this last year?  the only difference is that i'm not scheduled to go and watch your darlings this time.

  7. I'm excited to hear that your little girl is doing well and growing exactly as she should.  I'm also excited to hear that Daniel and the team are back in the USA and certainly back home by now.  I will continue to pray. 

  8. Daniel is back from a successful mission trip and back with his loving family. How wonderful!  Enjoy having your own little(?) family back together again!  Super that your little girl is doing so well.  We love you all!  Gram

  9. I was reading this post and wondered if you've spoken to your doc since then? Any new updates? I also wanted to say that it's such a landmark to make it to 28 weeks. 30 being even better and then 32 being the icing on the cake. At this point though, I'm really thinking 42 weeks here we come! (Or 43 if we're going to repeat Bronwyn!). Hope all is well and I miss you tons.
    Tim and I are out of town when you the up North team comes in for Reach. We have vacation plans with my family from Aug 4-11th and then the Ross Reunion on the 11th. We're actually leaving vacation early to make it to everything. So that only puts us in church on Sunday morning :( Are you coming? Are you extending the stay at all past the Reach conference itself? Just wondering so we can hopefully plan to get together!
