Tuesday, April 4, 2006

I've been sick. Ick. I hate being sick as a mom. It just doesn't work. Thankfully, today I don't have the throbbing headache and burning eyes. Just a sniffly nose and stuffy sinuses.

We had a great weekend, though I did get very tired (who didn't?!) and the cold that had begun last Thursday developed into a full-fledged infection. Oh well. It was definitely worth it. The B.A.S.I.C. retreats have improved so much in the last couple years, and I am so glad for these great opportunities to get the students away from the daily grind and charged for the rest of the semester. We have really wonderful students.

Here are some pictures from the weekend. I wish we had a shot of the whole group (there were over 40 of us Saturday night), but we never thought to take such a thing. Details... details...

Great worship with Isaiah 6

Great ministry times

Great fun

Great food at the Marottas'

Great goofs


Jackson's first B.A.S.I.C. retreat (he looks enthralled, doesn't he?)


  1. You are welcome.. GOD bless

  2. Just came by your site and saw the awesome worship pictures.  What a joy it is to see the youth worshipping. 
    Blessings, Monique

  3. Hey there. I know this isn't really about your blog...but I wanted to say your hair looks great! Did Carina lighten it? I hope you're feeling better!

  4. Aww...that was so like the Marottas to have people over.

  5. Looks as though you had a lot of fun and some great time with God! That is so awesome! Oh yea and thanks for the comment! Yea I like to read to Hayla and I love to read her my material. I mean I will read just about anything to her. When she was in my belly I read her Farmer Boy, I thought that she would hate if I stopped reading to her since she heard the beginning. haha. Ok I gtg Hayla is screaming now. ttyl See you in a week! Is there a good friday service?

