Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter pictures are in:

Gabriel discovering his basket...

Bronwyn discovering hers...

Daddy (and Gabriel) helping Jackson discover his.

New books!

Jack got one, too!

And all of us--though you've no idea how hard it was to get these shots.
(Or maybe some of you do...)

It was a really wonderful day!


  1. ohmy. you really are the cutest family.

  2. It still blows my mind that you guys are already bona fide parents and all with three kids! Boy. Oh and Louissa is right you do have the cutest family.

  3. Cute family pics!  I love how you all match!  Glad you had a great Easter.

  4. You were all just too darling!  I did notice that Aidan matched both your family and Andy & Deanna's!  My boy could have squeezed into several photos!  I just love Bronwyn's hair like that!  Sometimes I wish that Jocelyn's had a bit of curl.  Hers would just stick straight up if I tried to do that! 

  5. Awesome stuff. Yay for your coordinating outfits and yay for me just barely managing to iron and make sure that each individual matched- never mind the entire family! Glad you enjoyed your time together as a family. Aren't we just super blessed?

  6. I must say I think I like your site most out of anyone on my xanga list. I love the pictures you put up and it makes me smile to see other young couples and their children. Keep posting the fun stuff. Pictures are the best thing to post. I may put a bunch on tonight as well!


  7. Hey Brietta

    Thanks for letting us know about the wedding! We totally understand and kind of expected as much but wanted you to know you were welcome if by chance you could make it:) Maybe Noah and I will make a trip up to Ogdensburg some day and give you all a call. Your children are adorable & I love seeing pictures of them! If you are ever in Rochester give us a call so we can see you again:) God bless!

    Jennie Reed (Mauer)

  8. Brietta,
    I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love reading your postes. I think you are a wonderful person and I truely look up to you.
    I just wanted to let you know.
