Tuesday, April 4, 2006

If I were a voting woman, I'd vote for:

1. Chris (I didn't think he was a bit boring, but actually kind of nice)
2. Katharine (though I have to agree with Daniel that she was a bit overboard with "seductive" moves this week)
3. Elliot (because he's my favorite--not necessarily because he was super great tonight)

And if I were in charge of AI, I'd:

1. kick Ace of the show because he's in love with himself
2. tell Kellie to go because she's played the ditz thing a little too far
3. lose Bucky because he's just not that good
4. change Paris' talking-voice so that's it's as enjoyable to listen to as her performing-voice

But since I'm none of those things, I'll just tune in tomorrow night to see what happens.


  1. I often wonder why I don't actually try to vote, especially with the heavy opinion I seem to hold over each contestant. Maybe some year.
    I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to make it, but your dinner sounds fun too! Can't wait to come over for dinner and see your little people and your home.

  2. I completely agree with you!!  In every single one of your points!  And as I complained about them yesterday, my dear husband said:  "Honey, you could vote, you know..." 

  3. (I  must preface my next comments by saying I've only actually voted once where I got through and tried 2 other times but quit after the 5th busy signal.)
    This year I've adopted a new way of voting.  I really could care less who wins because I won't buy any of their stuff and I think the show is losing it's "hot new show" appeal.  However, I now vote for the contestant that does not hold up their fingers representing the voting number they are.  "If you want to vote for...text  IDOL 01" and there is that person showing me 1 finger, as if I didn't know.  I was going to "try" to vote for Chris last night but last minute he held up his number with his fingers...I was so disappointed, he almost made it!
    Anyways, this was a pointless response and I agree with your (and Daniel's) points about Kelli and Katherine. 

  4. Yeah..no kidding... I can't Stand Ace!!! I call him "pretty boy" b/c of what you said and other stuff. But I don't think he's pretty in any way. I also don't think he or Bucky can sing and have no idea whatsoever how they made it this far. And I agree w/everything else. I, however, do vote. On a note of breastfeeding, my children don't have brain damage either. I nursed Jonathan while preggo w/Matthew and still do nurse both of them. It's going just fine. Although, Matthew still only breastfeeds and refuses to eat solids. oh well.
