Thursday, April 6, 2006

So I'm at the grocery store--a shopping trip squeezed between a WIC appointment this morning (we were re-cert'ing, which includes testing iron levels on toddlers and stripping babies for weigh-ins) and a dr's appointment for Jackson and I (this would be in an effort to lick this bout of thrush that we've been dealing with for almost a month). I am pushing one cart full of food that is separated into three portions: my purchases, church purchases, and WIC purchases. I am pulling a monstrous cart that is designed to look like a race car: it's seating Gabriel and Bronwyn, who are thrilled with the "wheels" they are using to "steer," and containing Jackson, carseat and blankets and all, in the intended-for-groceries cart bed. I think to myself that we must look really strange, and that people are either thinking it's super-cute or else they're using me as an example of why they never had children of their own. Since we live in the North Country, I'm hopeful and assuming there were a lot more of the former and none of the latter.

And then it dawns on me in a way that it has only dawned on me a few times prior: this is for real. This is my life. I'm not pretending or playing house or waiting for reality to arrive. There won't be a day when the toddlers don't whine and the infant doesn't scream until they're grown and gone. Same with taking walks and not having to stop every couple steps to re-tie shoes, pick up sippy cups that have been tossed overboard, and pop pacifiers back in mouths. Same with going to church and sitting through an entire sermon. And on it goes. I can't keep waiting for total serenity or else I'll be waiting until I die. This IS!

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I didn't even know if I was really being lucid or simply having a nervous breakdown. All I knew was that Bronwyn was pulling bag after bag of peanut M&Ms off the shelf and throwing them towards the cashier, Jackson was crying and making the mentally-handicapped grocery bagger stress out, Gabriel was having a meltdown--tears and all--because he had to go the bathroom and I was making him wait, and I was realizing that I keep dismissing such moments as these as "not real" when they are very much the reality of my life! Wake up, Brietta! Take it as is or else miss the whole thing!

So I laughed as I picked up the bags of candy and put them back. And, to my amazement, the cashier did too. And then, to my greater amazement, I paid for the groceries and began making my way to the van (picture me with both carts--one in front and one in back) and I didn't even feel like I needed to call Daniel and freak out in order to avoid laying my head on the steering wheel and bawling like a baby.

At the dr's, Bronwyn lost it. For whatever reason, she was going ballistic about being in the exam room and couldn't handle having the door closed. But I didn't lose it. I didn't even come close! And I didn't feel embarrassed when Katie (who is amazing and ought to do visits for every baby and child) took Jackson from my arms so I could pick up my wailing, snot-covered 20-month-old and try to bring some calm to the situation. I didn't even feel embarassed when she walked me all the way out to the van and helped me get the kids in their carseats.

One of the hardest things as a mom for me is when we're out and about and the kids aren't doing well (which, let's be honest, is a lot of the time). I almost always feel as though I'm being a horrible representation of parenting and family as God intended and that I'm re-inforcing every wrong attitude people have about children. But today, after my reality check, I was okay with where I'm at. The bottom line is that I have three kids who are not very old. For pete's sake, I'm not very old! I don't have it all together, and I'm not always good at what I do. There are a lot of days that include breakdowns somewhere along the way, and there are some days that just feel like one looooong breakdown. But it's okay. Because God's good at what He does--and that includes making up my lack.

So when people look at me and say they're sorry or impressed or that I'm crazy for being out alone with three young children, I can just smile and say, "Isn't it good that God's better than me at this?!"

NOTE: For those who have been praying, Jackson (who is 12 and 1/2 weeks old) weighed in today at 11lbs 3oz.  He has gained just about 3lbs since birth and just a few ounces less than that in the last 8 weeks (he was 4 weeks when we first realized he wasn't growing much). As you can see, he's doing well! I am very glad to see proven continued progress and appreciate the prayers that have been offered on his behalf.


  1. Oh, you make me laugh!  So, I was thinking about trying to get my kids in to see Katie on the next visit instead of Dr. Dewar- I'm not sure.   Does the wait seem to be shorter to see Katie?  In my experience, people who are there to see her get in and out before I even get in to the exam room.  Just wondering what your experience is? 

  2. I don't know if it will make you feel any better, but your post makes me feel better! Maybe we are "normal" after all. ;)

    And we also love Katie. For 3 of the first 6 months of Alyssa's life, we were in the doctor's office at least once a week. We usually saw Katie and without her I don't think I would have made it through those 3 months with my sanity. She is an excellent addition to that office!

    Oh and Abby - yes, in our experience, the wait for Katie is shorter than waiting for one of the doctors.

  3. For those of us "not yet parents - can't wait to be parents" I breathe such a sigh of relief when I read your posts concerning child-rearing. All the fears and anxiety that builds up when wondering how on earth I'll be able to raise children when I'm a mess myself at times seems to diminish. I usually smile and thank God that I'll even have the honor of doing so someday and that His helping hand will guide me EVERYday. Thanks for your encouragement for even those of us who are "still waiting for the crazy days, but rewarding days".

  4. We only have one car so I very, very rarely go out with Elena on my own.  I think I´m spoiled that way but I must also admit I get scared to think of doing it on my own with two... one of the only times I did it with Elena I ended up loosing my WIC id just in receiving it from the clerk to bagging the goods!  Hats off to you!!  When I "grow more" as a mom, I want to be like you =0)

  5. I hope you do not mine if I sub you LOL.. Oh the joys of motherhood let us join the club.. I was a young mother age 22.. Yupper.. but now I have four kiddoes.. I know all to well on how that works.. Where I came out of and where I have been with my experiences as a mother.. I can say.. We all do our best.. Yes we get a little frustrated and tired at times but think of all the joy that comes with it.. My hub often reminds me remember this stage will not last.. I have a 15 yr old WOW.. and one and a half year old daughter breast feed them all and my last I put on a bottle due to food allergies.. I was holding her a few days ago as she was bonding with the bottle time.. Thinking.. Remember she will not be little any more...
     I often think back at my childhood.. I would look at my first born .. and think I should controle my children.. I thought why because ppl around do not let children be children any more they lable them because the social world thinks. I cant stand children making noise they want them to be robotic.. I was like I was never a child.. Yes their are points when our children are to be well behaved but yet at the same time kids are kids .. Yes they are loud when the play .. and going to the store oh boy.. one has to go to the bathroom ... Your cart is full LOL.. one running in the other direction.. but its how we as christians handle our self .. Yes the world is watching. but GOD is also..
    I think their is a diffrents when kids are just plain being kids.. and then their are the ones whom are just plain out of controle..
    I have to LOL..  because your not the only mom who goes threw it doesnt matter the age.. I do not think .. when we have a house full of love and joy . boy o boy we have work to do dont we..
    Awww and a reminder God is our strenght.. I often times half to stop my self and say JESUS .. You are my strenght in weekness help me to be patient help me to be strong and be the best mom I can be.. Even though at times I feel I am not good enough.. I know that Parenting also teaches alot about God and what he must think after all he is a Parent to LOL... God bless you...
    I enjoyed your post... Be blessed..

  6. Brietta,
    Here is a funny cartoon to lift your spirits. Children are an incredible blessing, yet do an amazing job of helping Christ perfect us. Every day I can feel & hear my flesh burning on the altar. Thank you for my children Lord, & for Your mercies that are new every morning.
    Keep up the good work. Every time we don't let the enemy win in these times of "battles", we are socking a punch to him.

  7. Thanks for the info.  I think I will try her.  Now I just have to decide if I want to "switch" my next appointment or keep the next one and make the one after that with her... such decisions us mommies have to make! 
