Tuesday, April 25, 2006

There's nothing like a brownie and Starbucks Java Chip ice cream, a room full of noisy sisters and brothers (including "adopted" brothers), and watching a good night on American Idol to remind me that life is not all sorrow and difficulty. Really, I don't know why I so easily believe that the daily grind is so un-endurable, but I do. My confession is made.

With that made clear, it's a good thing reminders come. Often.

Another good reminder is reading "things I appreciate" lists on another's site. It gets the wheels in my head turning, and I quickly find that my life is full of unaccounted for blessings. The problem is that I'm so self-centered, I think I'm getting a bad deal the minute the demands on me are greater than my own sufficiency, and that I'm being gypped every time my days don't look exactly like I'd planned.

So, I voted for some of tonight's--in my humble opinion--best performers (him, her, him) and now I'm making a [short] list of "things I appreciate."

--His discipline, which works for my own good... without a doubt
--a patient husband who overlooks my off-the-handle comments in moments of stress
--Bronwyn's independence which, though needing to be curbed at times, already alleviates some of the daily work for me
--the sun peeking out after lots and lots of rain
--grass that is incredibly green because of the dreary rain
--a vacuum cleaner that works and eliminates the greatly-disliked ladybugs from my home
--Jackson's increasingly chubby cheeks
--feeling connected to the outside world even as a stay-at-home mom because of weblogs (what did women do before?!)
--a house that I am more and more in love with every day that I live here
--the privilege of watching and caring for my children everyday, and being the one who shares their every joy and sorrow
--a sister-in-law and sisters, lots of them (Liana and Camilla, too!), who give me regular and undeserved breaks with their babysitting services
--teaching and inspiration that compells me to lift my eyes up
--Gabriel's brilliance
--time to work and time to rest... it's a good plan

Now that I'm on a roll, I could keep going and going. I think I will. But I'll spare you.


  1. Once you get going, you tend to realize just how many things you really do appreciate. I probably could have written several posts on the very subject. I like your list though, it made me smile. Sounds like your nights of American Idol are so much fun! I think it's time for Kelly to go.

  2. wait, we have "adopted" brothers?  who?

  3. I am glad that you can have those moments with your family. It is very precious. In those moments when you feel down...pray for those people that have life worse than you. That is what I do. I will often think about the things that I appreciate...but today is not one of those days.
